been here for a while, but i got new pics of the ranger with an identity crisis - lol | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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been here for a while, but i got new pics of the ranger with an identity crisis - lol


August 15, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
tampa florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
'94 ranger splash
well i recently got the pictures back of my 94 ranger splash with the ford explorer front end conversion (95+)

im just awaiting some clear corner lenses which should arrive soon and then i gotta think of how i am going to work with the difference between the 2 hoods, but i have a dgood start on it.

what do you guys think?Dead Link Removed


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i think you should go through with the whole thing. get the front bumper and the air dam like mine then with those clear corners it will look tight. you deserve some respect for getting that done. nice:chug: its always nice to see something different

ya, i have the clear corners on order, they will hopefully be arriving tomorrow, if not, then im gonna look for a set on ebay depending on the status of my orde (like 3 weeks already)

i was gonna get the bumper and hood, but it wouldnt mount flush, since i maintained 95% of the ranger fender, and the explorer fender/bumper area doesnt go back as far.

right now im in the process of possibly getting the edge bumper cover and possibly an explorer billet grill, unless i can find the grill (it might be the limited) that has the double bar across it.

i have the explorer overhead console installed in my truck also, but im looking to find a 94+ mustang dash and center console. im looking for either a v8 from a 94/95 5.0 mustang, or a v8 from a 96+ explorer (but those engines were all autos, and i would rather have the t5) so depending on what i find, how much, and the order i find it, those are some of my projected plans.

thats a pretty nice explorer in your sig

well thanks, i will have new pictures soon, i have made a bunch of mods since those were taken and they sucked anyways.

about your truck though, i believe the two bar thing only comes as an entire grill, including the part you already installed. but if you really want to do that you should get the explorer express x grill. it has that look but it is a little different than the plain limited grill. your other plans seem good though, good luck with your project and i want ot see it when it get further along

that looks pretty cool...what happened to the pain and why does the hood not fit? possibly time for a steady hand and a sawzall

Originally posted by jimabena74
that looks pretty cool...what happened to the pain and why does the hood not fit? possibly time for a steady hand and a sawzall

well the paint is primered since i did body work to the front end. i cheanged the normal ranger splash front assembly (header panel and lights) for the 95+ explorer front end.

the hood can be fixed on the sides since we are able to roll it back to follow the grill line. the reason it doesnt fit properly is that the explorer front is a little longer than the rangers (maybe 3" or so) and the front hood is slightly curved as where the ranger hood is primarily flat across the front

How Much Doe$ thi$ Mod Co$t?

All of this work looks great, but how much are you spending on these cosmetics?
