Best "Flowmaster" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best "Flowmaster"


Well-Known Member
March 29, 2004
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City, State
El Segundo, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
96 Ford Explorer XLT 4WD
So I got into a little debate with my buddy about which Flowmaster was best suited for the 96-98 Explorer V6 engines (both the OHV and SOHC). I told him that the Explorer that was on my X (Flowmaster 40 Series) was perhaps the best bang and value for the buck. My buddy however, insists that the best "Flowmaster" for the 96-98 X's are either the Flowmaster 40 with Delta Tech. or the Flowmaster 50 Series. The argument/debate got me no where, so I want to know what you all think is the best Flowmaster is... not just for the V6 engines, but also the V8's as well :)

1996 Ford Explorer XLT
4.0L SOHC V6
K&N Filter

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define "best"?

Yeah, what do you mean by "best". Because I think the 50 series is best for the SOHC simply because it has dual inlets. (Admit that I also enjoy the sound)

40 regular is the best for all out loudness

Hmm... alright I suppose I mean what is the "best" in terms of best performance overall

1996 Ford Explorer XLT
4.0L SOHC V6
K&N Filter

performance is equal all around

the muffler has so little to do with performance that changing between the options for flowmaster mufflers on a particular truck is completely negligable.

expo5.0 said:
performance is equal all around

the muffler has so little to do with performance that changing between the options for flowmaster mufflers on a particular truck is completely negligable.

Agreed. It all comes down to "sound" when all is said and done.

That's why what is "best" for one person won't necessarily be "best" for another.

I have a 40 series and I have cut it off right behide the muffler. It sounds real nice and deep.

I just had a 2.25" SI/SO Flomaster Delta 50 installed to replace my custom Ravin SI/DO exhaust. I have been driving it for so long with a nasty leak in the Ravin that anything sounds good at this point, but it's got a nice low-rpm rumble and isn't overpowering at all.
