Best mounting locations for offraod lights | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best mounting locations for offraod lights

Where Would be the best place to mount some off road lights. I was thinkin on the bumper but they seem to be near mud and other stuff IE trees, bushes.. etc. Mabe like a mirror mount on jeeps, and the roof is too high, ill hit all the damn trees.

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geez, can't put em on teh bumper, can't put em on the roof, that kinda limits the options :). I hit all kinds of trees with mine but haven't even scratched the plastic case on one of em yet :).

If you mount them on the bumper between the headlights, they won't be very vulnerable. On my truck, mud doesn't come higher than the bumper much, even in heavy mudding. Mud is easy to wash off, anyway. As far as flora goes, if a branch is big and long enough to bash your offroad lights, it's going to also bash the headlight and grille. I would think lights mounted on the mirrors would be more vulnerable than those on the bumper, my mirrors get hit all the time.

WEll im looking at the bumper, kinda apearing thats gonna be the spot. But i saw some hellas after wheeling today, and they were full of water. So mabe ill be getting PIAAS

hey JayR- I've had mine submerged in mud with no ill effects... I even had themmounted the way PIAA doesn't recommend (which I've since fixed... the lenses were upside down).

Dagon matt., your quick on this message board. =) So i know ive asked befor but what PIAA;s shoudl i get, Im thinkin some driving, and mabe fogs after that... and I think i would mount them right on the top bumper

depends on what your looking for... low cost or excellentl ighting. Cause if your looking for low cost, the PIAA 40's may be your best option... looking for bestl ight, PIAA 80's hands down. I've got em, Rays got em, Ricks got em. The 520's are a good in-between model, in-between in cost,andbetter then the 40's but not as good as the 80's. Hope that helps! You could do like Ray did and get two sets on the roof, one set driving ando ne set fog's. That way you have some for the best long-distance light, and one for the best close up. Best to put fogs in the front not necessarily on the roof, but either way is good.


Sorry to get off the subject, but I have a couple of unrelated questions.

Do you wheel near Annapolis? If so where?

I live in south county(would be nice to wheel close to home).

Thanks in advance for the info,
98 Xplorer

98, we wheel off route 3, back off patuxent road, by the patuexent ponds park. Contact, the guys name is AL, he's really cool we meet every sunday at 830 at the crofton MCdonalds. Any thing else let me kniow
