suggestions for adding extra light.... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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suggestions for adding extra light....

I am looking for some suggestions on the best way to get "more" high beam juice for highway driving. I do alot of mountain road driving where I live and would like advanced warning before I meet moose, deer, coyotes etc.
I am going to add silverstars to my headlamps but I wouldn't mind augmenting that with auxillary driving lights...should I add a light bar and mount some lights...or just mount driving lights to the bumper or modify my air dam?
I would love some configuration/product sggestions from anyone.

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I added a set of PIAA 1100X drving lights (middle two) and a set of PIAA 510 driving lights (outside lights). The 510's are really bright, and I have them set up to come on with my high beams. The 1100X lights are independent of headlights, so Ican drive with only those on if I want. With all six lights on, I can see pretty far.

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Yep, they were a perfect fit. I used the plastic filler trim piece to make a mount for them. And at $100 less than what Ford wanted for the factory fogs they were a bargain at $210. The fact that they outperform the factory lights by a huge margin is just an added bonus.

Here's a close up of both:

PIAA 510
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PIAA 1100X
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Looking good Doc......

i'd go with a light bar, cause it'd look cool and allow you to add at least 4 lights. but thats just my opinion, if you dont want somthing that...well...flashy i guess, you could go with more descreet mountings such as in the bumper/stock locations.

he has the 98, so he doesnt have the same bumper as us, he would have to get something rectangular to replace his factory fogs, or get the aridam that hartman has, and put some other lights on there.. or just get some other lights and place in the lower bumper
