biggest tires on stock 93 explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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biggest tires on stock 93 explorer

thinkin about getting some new rims and tires once i get the great old tax return. i am looking at getting the american racing outlaw II wheels (15x8) and was wondering what is the biggest tire i could shove onto that with the stock suspension of a 1993 limited explorer. i was told by one person that i should't go more then a 30x9.5x15 tire. any serious help would be appreciated. if it helps too i want something with good on/off road traction. noise is not an issue so i don't care if they are the type of tires that "hum"; in fact i would like something that makes a little noie.

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go with 31x10.50's

HighMilage said:
thinkin about getting some new rims and tires once i get the great old tax return. i am looking at getting the american racing outlaw II wheels (15x8) and was wondering what is the biggest tire i could shove onto that with the stock suspension of a 1993 limited explorer. i was told by one person that i should't go more then a 30x9.5x15 tire. any serious help would be appreciated. if it helps too i want something with good on/off road traction. noise is not an issue so i don't care if they are the type of tires that "hum"; in fact i would like something that makes a little noie.

Go with the 31x10.5's. They really give it a tougher look without going overboard. (98 XLT with no rub from 31's)

I'm running 31x10.50 15's on my stock '91 on stock alloy wheels. There is a slight rub at hard left but its very slight. Normal driving is ok.

TheCableGuy said:
I'm running 31x10.50 15's on my stock '91 on stock alloy wheels. There is a slight rub at hard left but its very slight. Normal driving is ok.
thanks that helps out a bit. i think i may just stick with the 30x9.5 just to be on the safe side

CAn anyone tell me what the stock backspacing is for the OEM wheels on a 93 X?

Not sure on the backspacing. But I have a stock 94 sport and just put 31x10.5 on and they fit perfect on the stock alloy rims.

stock backspace is 4.5" i think. I had 30x9.50 on my '92 before the lift on stock rims. They fit perfect, never rubbed (which means a 31x10.50 probably would have been fine).

stock other than levelling out the rear, 31's

get 3.75 or 4.00 backspacing 15x8"s if your paying for new ones, it will make sure it won't rub, and if you go to 33's later you'll be covered.

anyone got pics of 31s on a 95-99 model x?

bump for a good thread

i fit them under mine w/ stock rims.

HighMilage said:
that will fit under a stock 93 explorer and not rub at all?

I have 31s on teardrop rims and they dont rub at all and lood really good.

Here are 31x10.50 on my stock 94 rims with NO rub close but no rub

HighMilage said:
thinkin about getting some new rims and tires once i get the great old tax return. i am looking at getting the american racing outlaw II wheels (15x8) and was wondering what is the biggest tire i could shove onto that with the stock suspension of a 1993 limited explorer. i was told by one person that i should't go more then a 30x9.5x15 tire. any serious help would be appreciated. if it helps too i want something with good on/off road traction. noise is not an issue so i don't care if they are the type of tires that "hum"; in fact i would like something that makes a little noie.
I have those rims, & when it wasn't lifted I did rub a little on lock to lock turns on the front with 31's. I also had to trim the inner running board with a knife to clear them.

I've got a stock 93 xlt 2wd looking into getting new rims and tires. Probably going with the 31s,would a 15x10 rim make any difference?

You can run a 10.5" wide tire on a 10" wide rim. It will balloon the tire out and will be easier to blow a bead if ran at a lower pressure.

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Thanks for the example! You think that would fit on a stock 93 ?
