Bilsteins!!! AMAZING!!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bilsteins!!! AMAZING!!!


Active Member
December 13, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Long Island, NewYork
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 5.0 XLT AWD
I just put them on today. Absolutely great. I was torn bt the edelbrocks and bilsteins. Had the eb but they shud have been replaced long ago so I don't remember how they used to be? All I can say is the BSs are amazing. Like driving a Beamer. Firm but forgiving. Get them now u won't be disappointed. It's like driving a new car.

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I second that motion....

I have them on my White `92. And I will be getting them for my wife's `98 Mounty.


I've been in the Bilstein clique for 6 years. Good choice.

You have a part number for them?

I just put them on today. Absolutely great. I was torn bt the edelbrocks and bilsteins. Had the eb but they shud have been replaced long ago so I don't remember how they used to be? All I can say is the BSs are amazing. Like driving a Beamer. Firm but forgiving. Get them now u won't be disappointed. It's like driving a new car.

thx 4 the info...i'm looking into getting new shocks on mine and am still deciding what brand/type to buy to make mine stop driving like a boat.

BSs are amazing. Drives like beamer. Money well spent. I spent a year agonizing. Like I said I had EBs but they were way old. I never pulled trigger on BSs bc I don't like to but non american. But they are grt and I am v happy
