Blacked Out Headlights... Need More Light | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Blacked Out Headlights... Need More Light

Ok so i have purchased black headlight covers and have put them on my explorer. I absolutely love the look that they create, however they do diminish my light alot. So im pretty much just relying on my factory fog lights. Now im looking to purchase 2 more fog lights to mount on my bumper and make up for my lost light. Im on a budget and want to buy something that wont blind others and something that i will be able to attach to my factory switch.

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Thanks guys for all of the replies. I guess i'll just remove them at night. It seems like the least trouble and the best result.

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Thanks guys for all of the replies. I guess i'll just remove them at night. It seems like the least trouble and the best result.

EVERY night? :eek:

I see that lasting less than a month...

Take off covers get black headlight housings and 5K HID's....problem solved...

I saw a 2002/05 explorer with some headlight covers that looked pretty cool without blocking the lights i think the company that makes the bug deflector (AV) has them. Also I hope someone can answer a question I have about an upgrade from a clutch fan to an electric fan setup. I have a taurus single 2speed fan and I understand that it pulls around 40 amps but it does put out about 3600 cfm which would be more than sufficient for my '05 explorer xlt with the 4.0 V6 I need to know what controller would do the job? Thanks in advance

I saw a 2002/05 explorer with some headlight covers that looked pretty cool without blocking the lights i think the company that makes the bug deflector (AV) has them. Also I hope someone can answer a question I have about an upgrade from a clutch fan to an electric fan setup. I have a taurus single 2speed fan and I understand that it pulls around 40 amps but it does put out about 3600 cfm which would be more than sufficient for my '05 explorer xlt with the 4.0 V6 I need to know what controller would do the job? Thanks in advance

Do a search for the electric fan. Aldive and others have threads about them in other forums on this site.

"Take off covers get black headlight housings and 5K HID's....problem solved... "

Where could i buy these black housings at as well as the bulbs?


Just remember, if you get lights off Ebay you may need to run a thin line of silicone around them. I bought a set for my Ex's X (sweet) and they got a little water in them. They were fine after silicone.

Wasn't being a smart@ss...That's just the best place I've found.

Oh sorry bout that. But thanks guys for all of the great information. In case there was any confusion. i have the AVS covers and my headlights can be seen but they're output is greatly diminished.

HID in your fogs, that should do it.
