body and suspension lift questions... I made my own sway bar disconnect | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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body and suspension lift questions... I made my own sway bar disconnect


Yost Offroad
Staff member
Elite Explorer
September 6, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
South Central PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer
I completely removed my rear sway bar and made up disconnects for the drivers side of the front sway bar. I could not believe how much it flexed after this!!! I will post pictures of the disconnects if I get around to taking pictures.

I have a question about the 3" body lifts for my '94 ex. I have done alot of searching on this. Is there anything other than the steering extension and the e-brake extension that will need to be extended cause of stretching it too tight? Like gas filler tubes, fuel lines, wires, and metal brake lines? It looks like that will be really tight lifting the body from the frame. I ordered the body lift 2 days ago from JcWhitney so it should be here next week.

One last question, I was looking at the james duff 2.5 inch susp. lift. I was wondering about the rear end lift. I already have a shackle lift that I welded up. What do you guys think would be ideal? An add a leaf or spring over axle? I know its to give you like 5 inches of lift in the rear ( which is probably way too high), but could I make a shorter shackle than stock to make not so high? I don't mind if it sits somewhat higher in the rear because I like the look of that, but too high in the rear just looks like crap! I always liked soa cause there isnt a bunch of stuff hanging there to get busted off. But if I used an add a leaf, would that help with body roll since I recycled that sway bar? Thanks guys, I am addicted to this website!

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I have shakles and an add-a-leaf in the rear. I love the flex but wish I would have done the SO conversion instead. If you add two inches then you will want four :p, and so on. At four inches I had to lengthen the brake lines, and use longer shocks. I used rancho nine thousands. I am thinking of putting the front sway bar back on the front with quick disconnects, because I like driving mine on the highway, and it has lots of body roll now. I am running thirty three, twelve and a halfs, with minimal fender rub... so a one to two inch body lift is in the near future.

If you do the SOA, you will want more than the 2.5 JD lift in the front. You might try doing a slopped BL. That way you would have 3" starting in the front and getting smaller as you proceed toward the rear of the truck. Or just get 4" coils and F-150 coil seats up front.

Hope this helps even the slightest bit.


The steering extension and e-brake bracket should be included in the kit. If you have a manual tranny you will need a shifter extension.

I guess I am staying with the spring under axle, I already modified the brackets!

I flipped the shock mounts around so now they wont drag on a rock as easy and welded a skid plate on
