Bosch 66085 == Walbro GSS250 | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bosch 66085 == Walbro GSS250

Have you tried searching for the exact Bosch part number? The 66085 for the Explorer isn't listed when drilling down for my year/make/model, but does come up when I search for it directly.
I did, its not coming up. 69101

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Rockauto places orders with jobbers who ship parts. E.G. I see stuff from United Auto Parts. UAP supplies Motorcraft to Ford Dealers here. I've bought from Ford recently (friction modifier) and Saw the same UAP type sticker with the dealer name.
Not to say every jobber is legit and does not get counterfeit parts. For example, Denso told me only Advance Auto, Autozone and Toyota/Lexus are their authorized dealers and you can be 100% sure it is legit from them.


Amazon is BOTH Sourcing & Selling Bosch 66085 for $113 - No 3rd party vendors are involved in their offering of (3) Fuel Pumps

I've tried attaching a link to the Amazon offering - but for some reason our website won't allow it -

Use Amazons search box and enter "Bosch 66085"

Hope that helps -


Amazon is BOTH Sourcing & Selling Bosch 66085 for $113 - No 3rd party vendors are involved in their offering of (3) Fuel Pumps

I've tried attaching a link to the Amazon offering - but for some reason our website won't allow it -

Use Amazons search box and enter "Bosch 66085"

Hope that helps -
No guarantees. Sometimes Amazon drop ships. Likely though a trusted vendor, just like rockauto.

No guarantees. Sometimes Amazon drop ships. Likely though a trusted vendor, just like rockauto.

Just sayin :)

My experience with Amazon is rock solid.

If you get something else other than what's advertised, or are not happy with the overall quality, click to return it at a UPS Store, and Amazon will ship it back for free and provide you with a full refund.

True Amazon Story:

About a year ago, I ordered 6 bottles of Techron.

A few days later. a box from Amazon showed up.

Brought it inside, opened it up, and was met with a 10 lb bag of wild bird food- wtf ?!

My head spun on a swivel, and I immediately stared down our black cat "licorice" - who's an prolific hunter/killer of outdoor life.

Did he add to his bag of tricks how to order from Amazon?!

Contacted Amazon, and they said to keep the bird food to feed the local birds, and a few days later I received the 6 bottles of Techron :cool:



Just sayin :)

My experience with Amazon is rock solid.

If you get something else other than what's advertised, or are not happy with the overall quality, click to return it at a UPS Store, and Amazon will ship it back for free and provide you with a full refund.

True Amazon Story:

About a year ago, I ordered 6 bottles of Techron.

A few days later. a box from Amazon showed up.

Brought it inside, opened it up, and was met with a 10 lb bag of wild bird food- wtf ?!

My head spun on a swivel, and I immediately stared down our black cat "licorice" - who's an prolific hunter/killer of outdoor life.

Did he add to his bag of tricks how to order from Amazon?!

Contacted Amazon, and they said to keep the bird food to feed the local birds, and a few days later I received the 6 bottles of Techron :cool:
Amazon service is great. I bought coils for my F150. One misfired, they told me to keep them and refunded me. I put the boot from the new coil on the old and it worked. The other day I did the same to another :lol:
