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Brainstorming needed - Angel Eye Replacement

:help: One thing that I have always loved about this site is the input/brainstorming from members in order to reach a solution to any one person's problems. My problem is this:

I recently purchased a set of replacement "Angel Eye" L.E.D. rings for my fog lights. My fog lights look like this (you can find them on eBay sold under the brand name "PIA" lol):


Sorry if it's hard to tell, but the outer ring that is the "Angel Eye" is actually just a crappy plastic ring with one L.E.D. at the top that is supposed to reflect throughout the entire ring. After about 2 years, it comes at no shock that the ring looks like crap and can't be cleaned anymore.

So I bought these (they light up great and were like 6 bucks a piece online):


So this is my problem - the new rings are exposed. They are rather fragile and need something to cover them while leaving the center open for the rest of the fog light and protecting them. They are slightly bigger than the current rings so they won't just drop in to my current setup. I'm at a loss for ideas and could use some input....THANKS!! :help:

- Super-thin plexiglass?
- Clear Shrink wrap?

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bump, any ideas???

I honestly have no clue, but if you wanted the ones you originally had I can make those for you. The ones I would make would actually be brighter. If your interested I can do it in a few weeks once I recover from my shoulder surgery. As I type this with my left hand I'm sitting here in a sling in pain lol. Where did you buy the new LED halo rings? I haven't seen those.

But I think plastic wrap might work. Because it is easy to work with, you probably already have it, and it is thin so you can do a few layers to water proof it. What about heat from the fog lights? Would that melt it? What about high quality clear tape?

Sorry for the whack questions/tape idea.. I'm just typing whatever is on my mind hoping it will give other people ideas to suggest. Good luck!

Clear silicone tubing :scratch: Slit tubing, insert ring thingy, seal with clear silicone :dunno:


I honestly have no clue, but if you wanted the ones you originally had I can make those for you. The ones I would make would actually be brighter. If your interested I can do it in a few weeks once I recover from my shoulder surgery. As I type this with my left hand I'm sitting here in a sling in pain lol. Where did you buy the new LED halo rings? I haven't seen those.

But I think plastic wrap might work. Because it is easy to work with, you probably already have it, and it is thin so you can do a few layers to water proof it. What about heat from the fog lights? Would that melt it? What about high quality clear tape?

Sorry for the whack questions/tape idea.. I'm just typing whatever is on my mind hoping it will give other people ideas to suggest. Good luck!

Haha i'm honestly welcome to all ideas. I simply typed in "universal angel eyes" to Google to see what would come up and I found them for $5.99 a piece. Figured if I couldn't use 'em they wouldn't be that big of a loss....

But yea lets definitely keep in touch, if you could make me a custom set i'd be glad to send you the dimensions and some $$$, that's be great. For now, feel better!

Clear silicone tubing :scratch: Slit tubing, insert ring thingy, seal with clear silicone :dunno:


Not a bad idea, i'll have to look into that a little more. See what I mean, I never thought this would be so hard haha, thanks man


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