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Brake pad


Well-Known Member
December 6, 2007
Reaction score
City, State
Chattanooga, TN
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 ST
Hey guys I'm having an issue with my brake pads making a clicking noise. I'm pretty sure it's missing some of the noise dampners. Does anyone have pics of the calipers and pads exposed so I can see if mine matches????
The Dodge dealer I bought this from changed the front pads before I purchased and I think they screwed up.

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Hey guys I'm having an issue with my brake pads making a clicking noise. I'm pretty sure it's missing some of the noise dampners. Does anyone have pics of the calipers and pads exposed so I can see if mine matches????
The Dodge dealer I bought this from changed the front pads before I purchased and I think they screwed up.
Does each pad have an anti-rattle clip on each side?

Not my picture, but you can see the anti-rattle clips in this pictures.


It has one on top and bottom of each pad right? Mine is missing the one on bottom if it does!

It has one on top and bottom of each pad right? Mine is missing the one on bottom if it does!
Yes, there is two per pad. They usually stay stuck to the caliper bracket(hopefully).

Yea I am missing the bottom one, I know it wasnt making the noise during test drive. They told me they would change the pads, I'm assuming they didnt put the bottom pieces back on. Shouldnt be much from the dealer or maybe the parts store.
On a brighter note I completed the Body lift this weekend.

What may have happened is the pads were very tight with those anti rattle clips on. This means you will need to take the clips off, and sand down the caliper slide bracket where the clips meet.

Sometimes rust/dirt/ETC build up here, pushing the clips out slightly making the pads very tight. You want the pads to have some friction in there, but they should move freely to avoid uneven wear and brakes that hang up when you release the pedal.
