Brake!!!Pop noise!! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake!!!Pop noise!!


Elite Explorer
December 30, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Explorer Sport
Ok now i dunno what this is now. Only in slow speeds do i hear and feel one pop noise in the front passenger side when i brake to a stop. Other than that the noise doesn't appear. I recently replace my caliper sliding pins on that side and didn't greese it up that much. Could that be the problem? This noise only happens when i initially brake after i accelerate from a parked position. It doesn't sound when i'm dirving on the street only when i drive slow. What is it>?


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I would grease them up again. Check to see if the pins are seated properly. I've had them shift somehow before. How many miles do you have? Is it a "thud" when you start and stop? Just a shot in the dark, have you ever greased the slip yoke on the rear driveshaft?

Hmm. I never greased my slip yoke. I'm gonna re grease the pins.

Weird. Just right now when i was driving my car to try to hear the sound it's gone. What could this sound be to be able to disappear? It'll prob come back.

Maybe this ?

I had a similar noise after my last brake job . They forgot to locktite the caliper bolts , they came loose and would shift when braking and accelerating ... So if you took em' off and reinstalled them they would be tight again and the noise would've stopped .
