Brakes blow radio fuse | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brakes blow radio fuse


New Member
March 20, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, Oregon
Year, Model & Trim Level
'91 Eddie Bauer
'91 EB
Yesterday I blew off a cap on the vacuum tree.
I drove it to the parts store with the radio on to get the new cap.
After I replaced the cap (I mean RIGHT after) the radio fuse blew when I hit the brakes. Fuse blows every time I hit the brake pedal. Brake lights still function.
Any body have any ideas?



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If you're blowing vacuum caps off the tree, check for tranny fluid in the vacuum lines. Most likely, you need a tranny modulator. Search this site for more info on replacing it.


As Mikeirini points out, the blowing off of vacuum hoses is generally a vacuum modulator problem, assuming you have an automatic transmission.

More importantly right now is your fuse problem. I've attached a pic of the 91 fuse box, if I understand you correctly you are blowing fuse #10 for the radio and NOT fuse #1 which does brakes?

I see no connection, if on the off chance it is not the radio fuse blowing but actually the brake fuse, disconnect the brake light assmblies and try again. One of the most maddening problems I run across is the filament in the bulb breaks, bends over and shorts to the case. This causes a short and a blown fuse.

Good Luck!


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    91 fb.jpg
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Thanks for the fuse box diagram!
It was the premium amplifier fuse (#5) blowing.
When I saw that it also handled trailer tow I checked the wiring and found that my aftermarket four prong plug had come loose in the housing and worked it's way out to touch the metal spring loaded cover. When I hit the brakes it was shorting out.
The vacumm plug issue was unrelated and was just a "red-herring" because it happened at exactly the same time.

Thanks Again.

This is the best site I have found for information.

