Brakes wont work after draining fluid???? | Page 4 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brakes wont work after draining fluid????

All things do point bottomed out master cylinder and/or bad seals internally.
I dont trust refurbished master cylinders, I try to buy new, figure it lasts 150K miles or longer anyways...You are not the first to have this problem.
I just want to know, if it is indeed your master, why the stealership said it was fine?
Did they test it?

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410Fortune said:
All things do point bottomed out master cylinder and/or bad seals internally.
I dont trust refurbished master cylinders, I try to buy new, figure it lasts 150K miles or longer anyways...You are not the first to have this problem.
I just want to know, if it is indeed your master, why the stealership said it was fine?
Did they test it?

They were suppose to check it again but who knows, they were just wanting it out of thier site.

Ordered a booster. Going to try that then another MC. If its still not fixed I'm ripping the ABS moduel out and by passing it.

Huge mess, man this one sucks. I know the feeling.

Ok, got the booster.

Any tips on how to install? Any do's or don'ts?????

its easy to install man, will take you less then an hour.
Unbolt old one, bolt new one in, hook up vacuum. Done
Check the pushrod length on the new unit, match it to the old one

410Fortune said:
its easy to install man, will take you less then an hour.
Unbolt old one, bolt new one in, hook up vacuum. Done
Check the pushrod length on the new unit, match it to the old one

Thanks, I figured it was straight forward but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

4 bolts on the firewall, 2 bolts on the master.
Getting to the bolts under the dash is the only challenging part, and its not bad
