Broken Power Seat | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken Power Seat


New Member
July 4, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Oneonta, NY
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 XLT
So can we say aww crap? I bought my 05 explorer used, my driver's seat wasn't in great conditon when I got it and shortly after the manual cranks broke off. Literally broken and stripped. Not a big deal though, it was all adjusted for me before it happened, and two years later, that's still not a big deal. I'll fix it eventually. My problem is that I'm 5'3" and without running boards, I have to slip down the side of the seat, and the plastic panel on the side already being bent from having had a large original owner, finally snapped yesterday as I was climbing. The wires to the power adjustment are still attached and working, but the panel has broken off in the rear of the seat.
What now? Should I go down to a friend's junk yard and try an find another seat in decent condition? Bring it to a ford repair shop and see if they can order a new panel, with the missing manual handles too, and have it installed? Or DYI that lady with some glue, duct tape and perfectionism? Or just deal with the annoying hunk of plastic hanging from my seat?
It only has to last until next summer when I graduate college and get a truck. I'm just at a loss of what to do with it at this point. I should have gotten running boards when I thought about it.
It's also for sale if anyone is interested.
