Broken spring parking brake release mechanism | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Broken spring parking brake release mechanism

Joe DeVola

Active Member
December 12, 2008
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2004 XLT
A spring broke that connects the foot pedal and the parking brake release handle mechanisms inside the car under the dash. The dealer said it is not sold separately but comes with a $150 replacement part (a topic for a whole other conversation). The auto parts places don't have anything close. I've gone to a local hardware store and they have a spring about the same size but has twice as many coils. If I installed it, I'm sure that would comes close to doubling the force that the foot pedal would have once it's released. What other choices do I have?

Salvage yard-pull a part? Look for the whole part on ebay.
Bob T

Salvage yard-pull a part? Look for the whole part on ebay.
Bob T

Thank you. If that's an option, I'll consider it but it seems like an awful lot of work for a simple spring that can be installed in a matter of a few minutes...if the simple spring was easily available.

Simple isn't simple anymore !!!
Bob T
