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brown wire mod question


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October 16, 2005
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i just read the if the switch is off and the 4x4 cant engage you must switch it to on and then turn off the truck and then turn it back on in order to engage 4x4. you cant just swtich it on without turning off the truck?

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no.........your pretty far off.......with it in 4-auto hit the switch and it is 2-hi flip it back its 4-auto......get the point?

To answer your question, with the brown wire mod you can switch it back and forth without turning the engine on and off. So the info you read is wrong. There may be a misunderstanding - there are other ways of disengaging the tcase that DO require turning the engine off to reset the switch - but if you install the switch on the BROWN wire, you can use it all you want to back and forth without having to turn your engine on and off.

when the switch is off auto is 2hi...and switch on auto is auto 4

can i make it so when its off auto is 2hi, 4high is really 4 hi and 4lo is really 4lo....instead of it being auto 2hi, 4hi being 2hi, 4lo, being 2lo like i have been readin

and then when its on its stock conditions im going to trying to think of some way you could do it......but it would involve re-wirring the whole 4wd switch...

cisurfer said:
when the switch is off auto is 2hi...and switch on auto is auto 4

can i make it so when its off auto is 2hi, 4high is really 4 hi and 4lo is really 4lo....instead of it being auto 2hi, 4hi being 2hi, 4lo, being 2lo like i have been readin

and then when its on its stock conditions

No, for all practical purposes, you cannot. When you switch off the brown wire, the TC clutch cannot engage, you are in 2wd no matter what.

The 4wd mode switch (4wdAuto,4wdHigh,4wdLow) is actually a set of three resistors that are selected by the switch. The GEM then can tell the switch position by reading the voltage drop across the resistor.

When you switch off the brown wire using this mod, the GEM doesn't realize that the power in the brown wire has been cut. That is why you can switch it on or off without causing a GEM fault and you don't have to restart the engine.

An earlier version of this mod was to cut the yellow wire between the GEM and the TOD relay; in this version, the GEM would detect an error and you had to restart the engine to reset the system and get it back to normal. That may be what you are referring to in your first post at the start of this thread.
