built ford tough (from the ground up) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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built ford tough (from the ground up)


Well-Known Member
October 10, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Las Vegas Nevada
Year, Model & Trim Level
93 4 Door XLT 4X2
If ford came to you, and asked you to help design a new ford suv, what would you suggest?


Use the excursion platform as the base for this.

Big diesel fired V8, capable of insane torque and h/p.

Hybrid transmission. Choose between a automatic, or a manual mode. I would use the manual mode for hauling huge things around, and the automatic as a cruising mode.

at least a 18,000 - 20,000 pound towing limit. Want to haul a lot of stuff around :)

Nice comfortable interior (in something else then grey) but can take alot of abuse also.

More gauges. Build alot more interesting gauges into the car/truck. Exhaust pressure, water pressure, etc. Make it easier for me to know what is going on with my engine when I'm tearing up the asphalt in the mojave, heading to the beach, or getting a cool old car.

In dash engine functions. Instead of a light telling me, "check engine", have a dashboard mounted computer that displays all information at my fingertips. "Fuel Injector #1 is clogged" "Turbo tempature is 450 degrees." "Fuel filter is clogged" "Engine timing is off" Sometimes, just glancing at something while I am driving is a hell of a lot easier then digging around under my dash/engine to plug my code reader in. I want to see it in the ****pit, not in my garage. Plain english!

I'm sure I will think of more as time goes on.

Things I would not want to see:

Euro Headlights/Tail Lights. Totally Butt ******* ugly. It's called Euro Trash for a reason. Slap this crap onto a honda element, as I could care less. The euro tail lights are a pain to see in day time, and totally trash the body lines of the car/truck in my book. Plus, they are just god awful. They are not unique. I have seen a fair share of early 90's ford cars/trucks being raped and destroyed with these euro trash droppings. Nothing is more disgusting seeing a real masculine 1995 F250 diesel pounding it's way towards me, and almost throwing up noticing the euro tail lights! This is a classic example of a truck being ruined by euro tail lights. Headlights are gross also. Stock, or nothing.

Power adjustable pedals. What a waste. Move the seat forward. More to go wrong also.

DVD Players,Vibrators,VCR's,game consoles, and whatever annoying thing that can be stuffed into a car/truck/van. More crap to go wrong, and fix when it breaks. Besides, in the old days I.E. before they got the brought idea to put this crap in, I thought you brought a book along, listened to the radio, or looked out the window? Rip it all out, and enjoy the scenery.

GPS/Mapquest/Navitech/Onstar crap. Again, more to go wrong. Keep it out. If I want GPS, I'll buy a portable unit, or buy something called a Rand Mcnally map. As for onstar type junk, that is freaky. "Sure, I'll unlock your doors for you! don't worry about your keys being locked inside!" What about the "tracking" they could do on you? How about watching where you go, and then building a demographic profile on you? "Lets see, Dane loves to visit Texaco gas stations alot, stops at denny's restaurants alot, goes to Kmart stores regularly, blah blah blah" Next thing I know, Chevron is pounding me with offers to use their gasoline, Coco's Restuarants is asking me to be a more frequent customer, and Greed*Mart, err Wal*mart is trying to get me to go near their greed zone. No thanks, keep the crap out, or I run amuck with wire cutters.

Other worthless features. As long as the A/C works, the car isn't sitting at the side of the road, the radio works, and nothing is keeping my butt warm, or massaging my back, I'm fine. No glitzy crap. As long as the car runs/drives, I'm fine.

What would be your fantasy car/truck? Ford allows you to totally customize it, or gets everyone's opinons what should be put in.

What if ford was like a fast food restaurant? (I know, pretty bad) But, you get more interesting options to choose from. Kinda like the old 1950's cars that you could option to the teeth. Some of the options packages seem a little weak, and having power adjustable pedals standard, is annoying. Why not give a choice to strip that out, but keep everything else in the package? I might pick a lesser package, and get rid of the power adjustable pedals, but then lose out on bigger fuel injectors for example. Basically, give alot more flexibility to the customer, not shackle them to a lousy options package.

Why not factory supported 4 wheeling programs? You have to buy the stock explorer, and then spend alot of time/cash putting a bigger shock on, beefing up your drivetrain, etc. Why not have factory supported options packages that won't void the warranty? This also ties together with the options choices above.

Well, I got everyone started. I'm tossing the bone out. Get crackin'


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For me, i'd want it to have a ridiculously small body and a ridiculously large motor.
Then i'd be a happy camper.

Obviously you have thought this out quite well, edselman. :) Your dream truck design would cost $80+ grand and would not have many buyer. Therefore would not sell. Therefore you would get fired at FoMoCo. :)

Me... I just want a factory roll pan for my SUV. I am a very simple guy and easy to please... :p

i want ford to put the 1975 bronco back into production, almost exactly as it was in 1975, except with a 50mm howitzer machine gun mounted on a bad ass trypod in the back. and a keg fridge, with a propane grile mounted somewhere. and tracks instead of tires. with some sort of nuclear powered or enormus alcohol powered engine. and a cool paint job, with flames and stuff.

Edselman almost described an escalade without all the fancy bojangles ;)

If you didn't already know the adjustible pedals are/were designed for a reason. By making the pedals adjustible, people with short legs can reach the pedals without having to push the seat into the steering wheel. This increases the drivers saftey by keeping them at an acceptible distance between them and the air bag. This option may not seem worth anything to most of us, but it could be the difference between life and death in an accident, for someone who's leg aren't long enouh.
