Bulb Colors | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bulb Colors

I was gonna get some clear taillights and was wondering, instead of a red taillight bulb, could i put in a blue one? I have a feeling thats illegal...lol. THe same for parking lights

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i think you answered your own question.

I have blue bulbs for my reverse lights, it's a no-no. But it looks good. :)

Clear tails as a whole are illegal as far as I know, so you might as well run the illegal bulbs too. They'll just ticket you for illegal tails, not tails and bulbs I'd imagine.

that would be cool...

why in the hell would you want blue stop lights. Thats just dumb,

^^Thats not helpfull and adds nothing to this thred.^^

not blue stoplights... blue reverse lights....

anything other than red tail lights are "illegal" If you buy colored bulbs on the package they say for off road or show use only. The thing is, most cops dont care about accent lights but the main light has to be a stock color. If you sink some LEDs in the housing and it gives off an extra color that is sualy fine but they cant be safety colors (blue, red, green, or yellow) and cant be flashing or strobing. Thats my 2 cents worth

Common sense is usually the best guidance. If you think that you might get in trouble with the law for it, don't do it.

There's an age old saying, "If you have to ask, don't".
