burned out indicator light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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burned out indicator light


Well-Known Member
January 24, 2000
Reaction score
City, State
Cary, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'10 Escape Hybrid Limited
my left turn signal indicator light burned out (turn signal still works) and i took the dash cover off to try and replace it, but my needlenose pliers don't reach. so i tried pulling the gauge cluster out, but it is held in by the shift indicator adjustment cable (i can only pull it out about an inch). how do you replace one of these indicator lights?

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you can disconnect the cable by looking the end of the cable getting into the cluster you going to see a clip.

when you pull it inside then the cable with the (P R N D 2 1) plate should come out.

about the signal light i can`t help you with that.

good luck

Yes,yes,yes, this is a fun job ! I had to get into my cluster this year after one of the speedo bulbs burned. BTW, the cable that is holding you back is the speedo cable. It can be disconnected, which allows you to remove the entire cluster...but I was able to replace all my bulbs, 15 or so, without removing the cable.
First, get a Haynes manual, if you don't have one. Refer to pages 12-17 to 12-19. Once you get to the point of removing the speedo cable, get under the truck, locate the speedo cable attach point on the tranny, and push as much of the slack up into the floor board as possible. You'll be amazed at how much room you'll free up for your hand behind the cluster. I did try to unclip my speedo cable but couldn't figure it out.

Anyway, by carefully working I was able to change all of the bulbs. ( I'm the kind of guy that if one headlight blows, both get replaced). The whole job took me the better part of a day. Hope this helps.

well, it somehow fixed itself

oh well, when i was taking apart the dash, it all the sudden started working again. i don't think it was a loose wire, just the bulb is as old as my truck and shaking it might have gotten the filament to catch just right so that it works again.

I'm not sure, but maybe you can pull those 194 indicator bulbs out from the front. You're right, needlenose pliers won't work and they risk breking the bulb. Get a piece of plastic or rubber tubing, like maybe fuel line and push it tightly over the bulb, then wiggle it to extract the bulb form the socket.


haha my left turn started to die, it would come back and die for a year. i could hit the dash and it would come on but one of my tac lights would go out b/c it is loose. So i have lived with it like that. It on the list.
