Dash Lights Not Working... fuse or switch? | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Dash Lights Not Working... fuse or switch?

I think i have the same problem, with a twist. The lights are out in the dash gauges, but the HVAC controls still light....any thoughts? I can't believe all the bulbs went out over the summer of storage....

Do a light check. What lights are working and what lights are not working. When my headlight switch went out, so did my "running lights", my brake lights worked when the pedal was pressed but the running lights in both the front and back were gone.

I'm thinking the bulbs went, or a wire got loose or corroded. I'm almost positive the HVAC control light and the dash lights are on the same circuit.

When my switch went out, the running lights and dash lights (hvac controls included) weren't working at all. But luckily my blinkers and brake lights worked.

Feel free to send me an email, I'll try and send some ideas your way. But Idk, the bulbs might've just gone bad for some reason.
email is josh.berkhimer@gmail.com

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i have kinda the same problem my dash lights dont work but everything else does im know quite sure where to start

Well, do this: Pull the knob to "first position" so dash lights and running lights are on. Are your running lights on? If they are I'd suspect that you have a loose wire in the dash area. If they aren't on I'd suspect your switch fried like mine did. Just gotta get into it man and see, only real way to see what the REAL problem is.

Hello everyone!! I have a 2005 sport trac xlt which I bought used last year. I noticed that the back cabin window turn nob and the AC section of the console, lights don't work. Has anyone else had this issue. I haven't checked the fuses yet because i thought if it is a blown fuse...none of the dash lights would come on. Any suggestions?

Not meaning to pick on you, but this is the Gen1 (1991-1994) part of the site, you might be better served by asking your questions in the newer section. I, for one, don't know anything about the newer Explorers.

I just went outside and checked the fuses. I had referred to the Haynes manual while in the office, and I read that a 10 amp fuse powers the Dash Illumination. Sure enough, I pulled the fuse and it had blown. Maybe from age or the fact that when I kick the E-brake down when parking I may have hit it a few times. But it's all working now perfectly again.

I replaced it with a 20 amp fuse for now. Just until I get to the store and can get some 10 amps.

What fuse number was that?
