Buying Another Explorer... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Buying Another Explorer...


Well-Known Member
April 3, 2014
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2005 Ford Explorer XLT
A friend of mine is selling a Ford Explorer that I might be interested in...

2005 Explorer Limited
V8 4WD 130,000 Miles
Leather, moonroof, it's loaded.
Asking $5,000 though I can probably negociate...

Here is his Craigslist link

Would I be able to buy this and not have to go through the timing chain fiasco again?

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It's a fair price for the year. Mileage is decent, though in another 20k you may be doing the timing (that's when mine went out.)

I'd get it. The only thing you may negotiate on is the front end. Doesn't look that bad, but hard to tell from the pic.

Edit: pix added as this thread will last longer than the CL post.


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Decent price and I personally wouldn't worry about the timing chains. I bought mine with 67K and now have 208K miles on it.

I've seen two Explorers in person with 200K+ miles on them and 4.0 SOHC engines, as far as I know neither one ever had a timing chain issue.

I also had a 2003 Ranger 4.0 SOHC, traded it in at 165K miles - no issues with timing chains there either

Once you go V8, you don't go back.

A friend of mine is selling a Ford Explorer that I might be interested in...

2005 Explorer Limited
V8 4WD 130,000 Miles
Leather, moonroof, it's loaded.
Asking $5,000 though I can probably negociate...

Here is his Craigslist link

Would I be able to buy this and not have to go through the timing chain fiasco again?

Here is a little something for you, the window sticker for that 05 Limited...


  • 2005 BlackExSticker.pdf
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Looks nice. Only a 3.55 rear end? I didn't know you could order a V8 that way. I know for 2002 the V8 came with the 3.73 Limited Slip and Tow Package. Ford obviously changed it down the line.

So you will be turning far less rpms on the highway which means healthier motor, longer oil life, and much longer timing system life. Big plus there. Also slightly better mpgs.

It does seem like a good deal, but I will be doing all of the work that I just on my Explorer.

Looks nice. Only a 3.55 rear end? I didn't know you could order a V8 that way. I know for 2002 the V8 came with the 3.73 Limited Slip and Tow Package. Ford obviously changed it down the line.

So you will be turning far less rpms on the highway which means healthier motor, longer oil life, and much longer timing system life. Big plus there. Also slightly better mpgs.

3.55 was the standard axle ratio for all 3rd gen Explorers, regardless of model or engine. 3.73 was optional. Limited Slip was an option over regular axle, until RSC came in...then all were regular axle, as LS became redundant. I also have the 3.73 LS and tow package, but those were options on my 03 Limited V8.

It does seem like a good deal, but I will be doing all of the work that I just on my Explorer.

It's not a "great deal" but it's not a bad deal. The biggest advantage, is knowing the guy who's selling it. You could possibly get a similar deal later on.

If you aren't in the market, then don't. If you need another vehicle (or want) then go for it.

I still say, own Explorers if you can do the repairs yourself and you'll love 'em. Otherwise you might not.

As my sig shows, I only have four of them.

I would buy this Explorer and sell mine. I like having a V8 and leather.

3.55 was the standard axle ratio for all 3rd gen Explorers, regardless of model or engine. 3.73 was optional. Limited Slip was an option over regular axle, until RSC came in...then all were regular axle, as LS became redundant. I also have the 3.73 LS and tow package, but those were options on my 03 Limited V8.

Actually, for 2002, the only configurations available were:

V6 3.55
V6 3.73
V8 3.73

That was for 2002 though.

Actually, for 2002, the only configurations available were:

V6 3.55
V6 3.73
V8 3.73

That was for 2002 though.

Joe- where did you get that information from? I work onsite at Ford IT in Dearborn MI. I can look up all kinds of information inside the Ford Network based on VINs.

Okay. Everything I have found points to those three options. I was looking for an explorer for 3 months before I found mine and everyone I found held true to those three. Also, when I go to my user manual (early build 2002), and go to the drive-train options, those are the only three listed. Maybe Ford does not show every combo like GM in their manuals. Please let me know if I am wrong.

The biggest advantage, is knowing the guy who's selling it.

That could be as big of a disadvantage, too. I avoid doing business with friends and family. Even if everything goes smooth, there is always the unpredictable that can pop up and make someone unhappy.

Right, I make it a point not to sell things to people I know. If it breaks down the road, I don't want to feel like I owe them something. Especially when no one could have known about the item not working.

As a buyer though, if you can't get access to maintenance records, or if you don't know how well the friend maintained it, then there is zero benefit.

Okay. Everything I have found points to those three options. I was looking for an explorer for 3 months before I found mine and everyone I found held true to those three. Also, when I go to my user manual (early build 2002), and go to the drive-train options, those are the only three listed. Maybe Ford does not show every combo like GM in their manuals. Please let me know if I am wrong.

Here is a 2002 Limited with 4.6L and the 3.55 non-LS.


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Bear in mind, it is not a new car, and also it will need maintenance, so if you've already done a lot on your own, it may not be worth it, and the market outside of an enthusiast is soft.

If someone has 5K to buy a 10 year old 100K mile vehicle, there is a good chance they are putting it down on something newer or leasing. As these retailed for over 40K new, they seem to have held the value ok. I paid 22K for mine 9 years ago.

This vehicle is the twin to my own, although I have a charcoal interior. I am at 109K, have owned it since 28K, did oil changes ever 3K miles and I am putting in a used engine now.

I think 5K is high. 4K it's a good deal and I am looking at one this weekend for 3700. I've seen some for less and others for more, but anything priced 5K and over seems to sit.
