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Caliper Covers for Sport

Tire and Wheel Upgrade on my 2015 Sport

285/35/22 Nittos with 22x10.5 Savini wheels in titanium.
Looking for a good set of caliper covers now. Anyone have any experience with installing these relatively inexpensive caliper covers in the $80 to $200 range for the set of 4?

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Welcome to the Forum CSapp75.:wavey:
I have merged your thread with this existing one. You should find some info here that may help.



I received the correct covers and the installation was quick and easy. Didn't want to draw attention to them so I went with black and the "SPORT" logo. I am not one for the fake look either but it looks so much cleaner than that ugly factory caliper. Too bad these trucks didn't come with Brembo's like the SRT 8. Then I wouldn't mind bright red.


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I have the same covers and love them. I have no space problem.

WOW.....not real sure why you compare caliper covers to stuffing your pants....but ok .

I guess stuffing your pants would also be like adding a larger tip for the "performance exhaust" look without having a performance exhaust . I mean I wouldn't do that but's someone's car :salute:

do you happen to have any pics of your ride anywhere on here ? I would love to see what I should have done instead of what I have done ;)

someone with as much criticism as you must have the best vehicle on here :D

It's EXACTLY like wearing a codpiece, all the visual stimulus without any substance. Caliper covers are in the same league as Pep Boys neon undercarriage lights.


It's EXACTLY like wearing a codpiece, all the visual stimulus without any substance. Caliper covers are in the same league as Pep Boys neon undercarriage lights.

Ignor all the poo pooers, they're always hanging around.:thumbdwn: The covers look very sharp;)

I agree that the covers, especially with the 'Sport' logo on them, really have a positive visual effect on the vehicle. Looking good. :):thumbsup:


Ignor all the poo pooers, they're always hanging around.:thumbdwn: The covers look very sharp;)
Exactly !

There's always 1 or 2 of them around to put everyone else down about their mods but nothing to their own vehicles :D

This is the exact reason the aftermarket world will never die . There are way too many choices to pick from :thumbsup:

Painted Calipers & touched up the rotors...

I painted mine. But my post was moved to the caliper cover thread.


Looks good. More of a sleeper with the black calipers. I hate when they get the rust lip around the edge of the rotor.

I hate when they get the rust lip around the edge of the rotor.
same here... looks better now. If it makes it through winter, I'll be happy.
I'll touch them up in the spring.

Painted rotors

That looks so much better painted. I plan on doing the same to my brakes. That rusted metal looks horrible in your before and after photos. Nice job! it appears that brushing them vs. spray painting holds up better???
I still need to remove my wheels and give them a good cleaning on the inside. They came from the dealer with a thick brown coating and I have never taken the time to remove them and scrub them.

That looks so much better painted. I plan on doing the same to my brakes. That rusted metal looks horrible in your before and after photos. Nice job! it appears that brushing them vs. spray painting holds up better???

The paint was very thick.
I only gave them 1 coat, If I had used spray paint , they would of needed a few coats.
