Can I still use tires? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can I still use tires?

Well I was in an accident 6-7 months ago and drove for awhile with it being out of alignment. In the front, the top of the tires were leaning inwards ALOT.
I have some significant camber wear to both tires.

Since, I have moved both tires to the rear to try and even out tread.
Front end was aligned today.

My 1995 Explorer shakes real bad at speeds over 45-50mph. It has to be those tires or wheels out balance, right?

My question is, if they balance the wheels and they are fine and it is the camber wear tires causing the problem......can I still use them? Will they eventually wear even?

Any tricks? Tires are goodyears, have like 20,000 on them at most.

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I wont have it for a few days....

I can tell you that its pretty severe. I mean there is maybe a 1/2" to a full inch gone on each tire either on the inner or outter part of tire. Can't remember if it was inner tire wear or outter though.

I would say my tire looks similiar, maybe not quite as bad, as the tire lsited under CAMBER.

Did it shake as bad before you moved the tires? It doesn't have to be that- especially if you were in an accident. It could be a myriad of things. There are too many variables in your situation (tires, worn items from a 14 year old truck, camber, alignment, accident, etc) to make a real educated guess without knowing the history of what you've done to it for service...

Lets see...Items replaced:

Upper and lower ball joints both sides.
Lower control arm pass. side
Strut pass side
Wheel hub pass side
Wheel hub driver side
Inner and outter tie rod ends...both sides
New brake pads, both sides
new rotor, spindle, caliper pass side
new sway bar bushings
Bushings on drive right upper control arm
adjusted torsion bar to proper ride height
new cv boots both sides

Theres more but I cant remember off the top of my head.
Alignment is fine as of today, still shakes.

And yes, car shook a little bit while they were in the front. (but that was with a screwed up alignment.)

if they are cupped really bad then they may overheat due to the extra stress. Check to see which way they were rotated. i had a set like that one time and I had to reverse rotate them due to cupping.

Does the vibrating get worse or better when you step on the gas/coast etc..

if they are cupped really bad then they may overheat due to the extra stress. Check to see which way they were rotated. i had a set like that one time and I had to reverse rotate them due to cupping.

Does the vibrating get worse or better when you step on the gas/coast etc..

My tires don't have any signs of cupping, just camber wear. The vibration gets worse the faster you are traveling. AT 65mph it shakes pretty good. Gets a bit better when coasting.

If it shakes worse after they worked on your car, Easy fix. Take it back to them and explain everything. They will either fix it or let you know what's going on.

IF the tires/wheels are balanced out and have no issues, then it's probably not the tire wear causing the vibration. It's more than likely drivetrain/powertrain related, though, so check the driveshafts, axles, etc.

You're probably better off keeping the tires on there until you figure out the problem, otherwise you might just get irregular wear on new tires.

Once the issues are fixed, and when you can, or when theres some kind of sale/rebate deal, buy new tires, and sell off your old ones as a set. Plenty of people will give you about half what they cost new for a good set of truck tires to put on their trailer.
