Can I tow my Explorer behind my RV? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can I tow my Explorer behind my RV?

Hi everyone,
I'm new to this forum. I found it while researching the above subject. I have a 1996 4D 2WD automatic XLT Explorer. We just purchased a 24' Class C RV which has a chassis and hitch rated for towing vehicles up to at least the size and weight of our Explorer. Our initial idea was to trade in the Explorer for a newer, smaller SUV that would be purchased specifically for towing behind our RV. With the economy like it is, I'm now having second thoughts. Since our old Explorer (now 13 years old) is still in great shape, I'm trying to determine whether it can be towed safely or not, and if so, what equipment and/or modifications I need to do to make it all happen. I would appreciate very much any information/knowledge anyone could share with me.

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2wd is easier to do than 4wd you can buy an electric driveshaft disconnect an have it installed 4wd you have to get a neutral tow kit from the dealer and have it installed there

From what I understand, the easiest way to flat tow an automatic transmission vehicle is to disconnect the drive shaft from the rear end. There are a few ways to do this. You can search for disconnect devices. The cheapest way would be to just get under it and unbolt it from the rear axle and then strap it up out of the way (keep it installed in the transmission to make sure the trans fluid doesn't leak out. Once you get to the new destination, bolt the drive shaft up and drive away.

If possible, you could purchase a trailer that can hold the explorer?

welcome aboard
