Can This Diff Carrier Be Re-Used | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can This Diff Carrier Be Re-Used

Az Al

New Member
July 2, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
'95 XLT
95 Explorer, 2WD, 3.73 LS. I'm replacing all the differential bearings and axle seals, and the pinion shaft lock bolt broke. I finally got it out, but beat the heck out of it in the process, breaking out part of the carrier case with the end of the bolt. A local junkyard has a 96 Explorer front differential assembly for $150, and junkyard guy says the diff carrier is the same as the rear. Assuming I could get this one apart without damaging it, it would be an easy swap. Is junkyard guy correct? Is the front the same as the rear?
Or since only one side is broken, could I get away with using this carrier with a new bolt? Is it possible to weld the carrier where it broke out?
I couldn't attache a photo--the link below should take you to the photo.

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Edited post - attached photo.

Don't risk using that carrier. It will not be worth it.
You will have to get the ring gear off of that one and have it pressed on the other "new to you" carrier. The ring/pinions are a set and they will not last long if they are mismatched.
OR, you could go buy a new ring/pinion set ($$$$$)
I would go get a used rear axle assembly from the junkyard and use all your new parts in it, then hang it under your truck.
And, as already stated, the front diff carrier is a very different animal than the rear. Not even close.

Thanks. "Front same as rear" didn't sound right to me. I'll still be hunting for a rear axle. Old ring and pinion look good.

(And thanks IZwack for attaching the photo.)
