Cardinal SRA (Indiana) Night Run with 4wheel parts - trail report | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cardinal SRA (Indiana) Night Run with 4wheel parts - trail report


Well-Known Member
August 14, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Indianapolis, IN
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
Went wheeling with the 4Wheel Parts crew at Cardinal last weekend....good time, good place to wheel, only problem is that with nearly 9" of lift (Torsion, 4" Superlift, and 3" Body lift) I was STILL the most underbuilt rig with all the jeepers and a couple of yota's including the yellow cruiser belonging to Rick Webster of

I, of course, tried to step in to show how capable my little grocery getter actually is. :p Mistake #1.

I worked with the 4WP guys the previous week to get the atlas in, the gears and locker installed, and the superlift on. Everything in, installed....oh wait....don't I need a front driveshaft? Drive to the trail and put in the driveshaft I picked up the day before by flashlight laying in the gravel.
Couple of beverages later its in and its to the trailhead we go.

I have about 15 rigs in front of me and another 10 or so behind me. Man are these trails TIGHT. There's a couple of spots that I'm sure I'll rip my glass fenders right off and a spot that I actually folded in both side mirrors. If you've ever wheeled the midwest, you know what I mean. Its all winding muddy off-camber trails designed to crush body panels and roof lines into the next tree. You know - the one that you know you are 10 inches away from until the trail rises 30 inches on the right and wedges you into it.

Then the HORROR of it brand new and untested Atlas II 4.3:1 t-case with the fancy cable shifters decides that the shifters need adjusting and keep popping out of 4low. So back the train up, dammit, I can't get over this stump in 2wd. And the chatter starts:

"kccchhhhhh..........kccccchhhhhh.....breaker ch.7.....what's the hold up.......over....."

"kcchhhhh......uh, we have a broken explorer in the trail....over......kccchhhhh......."

"kcchhhhhh......I thought I heard you say "explorer"......come back....."

"kcchhhh....did he get lost on the way to the mall?...over...kccchhhhh"

Ok, you get the picture. :fire: So I try to find the best way off trail to let them pass, and no dice. There's nothing but a jail made up of small trees. So I try the atlas again....and wonder of wonders, it drops into gear...but 4hi. Ok, so what, it's not Moab - its a freakin' drainage ditch in a forest. Whoohoo, I'm moving again.

The rest of the trail wasn't nearly as problematic and the 35 MT's were loving the mud with the new locker. :thumbsup: If it hadn't been for that one spot, I think I might have gotten some respect from the @eep crowd. Then again, these boys a hard core. I skipped the next trail to work on the shifters and sounds like I'm glad I did. This :exp: had to get me back home without the benefit of a trailer like the rest of these trailer queens. Although I'm sorry I missed when the tubed Willys on 44s endo'd :roll: as he tried to nose into a steep decline. I'll see if I can get pics - but the stories are pretty good by themselves.

Anyway, thought y'all might get a kick out of the story and help me through the pain. Next time, testing the new equipment is a must. Hmmm...I have another run in two weeks with RRORC......what else new can I try then? :eek:

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you should try haspen acres in laurel in its the best place around!i thought about going in my 92 to beat the hell out of it!

Redbird, Cardinal ....same difference. I grew up in St. Louis in Cardinal country so the terms are interchangeable. :)
