Castor Camber Adjustment Kit | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Castor Camber Adjustment Kit


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May 15, 2006
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south florida
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Coyote F150

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You need 2 bolts for each side.

Honestly, mate, if you didn't know that do you really think you should be doing your own suspension work?

You need 2 bolts for each side.

Honestly, mate, if you didn't know that do you really think you should be doing your own suspension work?
Done all the work on this truck including some engine stuff, just when going through the threads never saw anything mention these kits until I just stumbled across one. Did the suspension years ago and don't recall anything about them either, just installed everything, took it in to get aligned and was fine.

Done all the work on this truck including some engine stuff, just when going through the threads never saw anything mention these kits untill I just stumbled across one

I didn't mean whether or not you'd need a kit but knowing how many bolts there are in the suspension.

Asking how many bolts there are in the kit is a fair question though.

I didn't mean whether or not you'd need a kit but knowing how many bolts there are in the suspension.

Asking how many bolts there are in the kit is a fair question though.

yeah I guess I got confused there b/c some images online showed only 1 bolt and the parts, and then others two like the Moog, so haven't been under the truck yet to check so didn't know what I needed. Advance has some decent coupons right now so gonna grab two Moog sets and few other things. So basically it seems people just install these, then don't really mess with it, just take it in to get aligned and tell the shop you already put in new adjustment kit?

Hopefully get the truck finished today so I can install new 31s on Pro Comps :D

Moog K80065 (+/- 1 5/8 degree) camber kits should allow enough adjustment to get a 2" TT into spec. General rule of thumb is 3/4 degree for each full inch of height change. Be patient, the drivers side hard fuel line interference is a PITA when removing the rear UCA factory bolt with a permanent washer. Here's a couple good links that may be useful. GL

Replacing Camber/Caster Bolts

How to: Install camber adjusters 2nd Gen Explorer

OK, are these things called something else b/c no store has them even if listed, they say it's a dealership only kit. Just stopped by Autozone and the said the same thing.

yeah I can get them online, but wanted to do suspension tomorrow and not wait for shipping. Ended up finding a Napa store that has them quite a drives from me, like 70 bucks for left and right, can't believe those pieces are that much money lol

OK, are these things called something else b/c no store has them even if listed, they say it's a dealership only kit. Just stopped by Autozone and the said the same thing.

This is an aftermarket part, definately not a dealership part.

I got mine at car quest (Moog K80065) cost me $40.00 a side...

This is an aftermarket part, definately not a dealership part.
Yeah finally tracked down a set at a Napa store south if me, no other store or company has them, weird. I usually try doing it on the site as the guys at the store always seem clueless lol

That's a bit much.

Oh, Ontario.
IDK, I live in South FL and it'll be about $75 for left and right side total. Still sounds crazy to me, can't believe a few pieces of metal is that much lol. Cheaper on Rockauto, but then you have shipping, and wait time especially with holidays. Want to get this done hopefully tomorrow or sat.

IDK, I live in South FL and it'll be about $75 for left and right side total. Still sounds crazy to me, can't believe a few pieces of metal is that much lol. Cheaper on Rockauto, but then you have shipping, and wait time especially with holidays. Want to get this done hopefully tomorrow or sat.

Try Amazon.

When I replaced the upper control arms on my 2000 Ranger I installed the caster/camber adjuster kit. I got mine from Rock auto. Part#-K80065 @ $18.06 each side, $36.00 total.

Just installed these and had the trucklet aligned.

It was out -1.8 and -1.5* on the camber previously and my front tires had some HEINOUS wear as a result. They were able to get the camber nailed (-0.4 I think?) with them. $18 per kit (one per side), $36 total.

Right side is a piece of cake, left side requires a little more english to get the old bolts out past the fuel/evap lines. Read the instructions because the cam/washer sequence is a little counter-intuitive.

Just bought the set, 70 bucks, no problem affording it, my mind is just like how are these pieces 70 bucks lol :thumbdwn:
