Catalytic Converter Installation | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Catalytic Converter Installation


Well-Known Member
July 16, 2006
Reaction score
City, State
Enola, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
01 Sport
So i know one of the Cats on my 01 Explorer Sport is clogging. SO i figured i might aswell replace both since the car has over 100k miles on it. Only problem is im not quite sure how hard it is gonna be to remove the upper flanges from the manifolds. Anyone work on a 2001 with a 4.0 SOHC..please let me know if i will be able to get up to the bolts with a regular power tools sadly. Or am i better to just have a muffler shop or garage put it on. I tried testing to see which one is clogging but even after driving 45minutes to where the car is starting to really buck, none of the cats seem to be glowing red so i dont know how else to check.

A muffler shop can check for you. If you are a good DIYer then use a lot of wd40 on the bolts. COLD ENGINE ONLY let it sit over night. Then use a socket that is of the proper size and a breaker bar. Take your time and work safe. When you reinstall watch the amount of equal presure that is applied to the flange's.Or it will leak.
