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CD repair


Active Member
January 11, 2013
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2007 mountaineer prem
Anyone know a good place to send the radio in for repair? CD player quit working grinding noise when you try to load a cd. It is a 6 disk. I also have a DVD player. 07 mountaineer premier. How about a replacement radio that will work with the DVD?

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Below is a link to regarding replacing the CD portion of your radio. If you are just a little bit handy you can easily separate the CD portion of your radio which basically splits the radio into 2 half's.

On Ebay there is a seller named "Riveinc" which advertises "Repair CD 6 Disc changer Ford, GM,Nissan." They repair the 6 CD unit if you send in that portion or you can buy a complete new 6 CD replacement unit from them so you can avoid sending the old CD player half out for repair. If you do get a new unit, be sure and match the part number by looking at the green PCB board of the 6 CD player. Some look identical so it's important you match the correct model numbers by the PCB board.

OK I will have to look that guy up on eBay and find out what he gets for a new mechisism. Thanks

Did ford make a single cd player that will fit right in? I think that would be the way to go and get rid of that 6 disk. I need the rear entertainment to work and also needs the sub woofer port. So I have 3 plugs on the back most I see on eBay has 2. Can you make an after market radio work?

In that 2nd link no radio with sub control.

Up date. Got a new mechanism from Riveinc electronics.

Sounds good on decision to buy new mechanism. Please let us know how it works out for you. :)

Did ford make a single cd player that will fit right in? I think that would be the way to go and get rid of that 6 disk. I need the rear entertainment to work and also needs the sub woofer port. So I have 3 plugs on the back most I see on eBay has 2. Can you make an after market radio work?

This is the single CD unit in my 2007 ST Limited. I also have aftermarket sound system(see signature) AND my steering wheel controls still work.

Riveinc electronics sold new mechanism for 135 shipped and 90 day warrenty. Or they would have fixed mine for 90. plus shipping there and back so about 120. I called another place in Indiana that guy was crazy on his price 400.

I received the new mechanism today. I ordered it on Monday and received it on Wednesday. cant beat that. Installed it today as well and everything works like new again. I wonder if I could get a little something out of my old one for parts or repair??

07LTD that radio only has 2 connectors on it I would need 3. I can not find a single disk made that way. I would need one like this with that extra 3rd connector in the back.

I received the new mechanism today. I ordered it on Monday and received it on Wednesday. cant beat that. Installed it today as well and everything works like new again. I wonder if I could get a little something out of my old one for parts or repair??

07LTD that radio only has 2 connectors on it I would need 3. I can not find a single disk made that way. I would need one like this with that extra 3rd connector in the back.

Great to hear it worked out for you! Replacement of the CD mechanism is really a reasonable fix for those who are on a budget or if you just want to retain the OEM radio functions without any harness adapter headaches for aftermarket radios.

Third connector is for the sub. Problem with these stereos is they us the CAN BUS to control all the functions, so even though it may plug in and turn on in another truck with the premium audio system, odds are it will not work properly. These models also have a filter that cut the lows to the regular speakers so you miss sound unless you have the sub.
