Centerline Matrix, Watcha think? | Page 3 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Centerline Matrix, Watcha think?

The last two photo chops that you put up look great.

Tirerack will not sell anything but OE size tires and wheels for explorers becasue they are afraid something non-stock will cause it to roll over :rolleyes:

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Yep, just tell them that the wheels/tires are for a Ranger or a Jeep.

Those last wheels DO look nice!!!

98X5.0: I have a set of 18X9 Moda R6's on my X and they fit just fine. I like how the R7's look too.

Thanks for the input guys. I am really torn between the ROH RT and The MODA R7. The deal on the Moda is just about to good to pass up but something still draws me towards the RT. I would have to spend another $500 or so to do the RT's which should make this a no brainer! But, I want to be happy with my choice. I found out the original price on the Modas was $299 a piece!:eek:

This one really seems to capture the look that the R7 has. I think I might have found a winner!:D


  • modar7.jpg
    74.1 KB · Views: 363

Very Very nice:cool:

Hey, I owe it all to you NOTAJP! If I decide to go with these I will have to give you the credit for stylin my truck! I NEVER would have thought to check fitments under Rangers. Always wondered why Tirerack lists one whole freakin wheel for the Explorer! Hey, I did find that R7 listed for the Sport Trac as well. Go figure?:rolleyes:

Thanks again for your insight!

Hey thanks! Just here to have fun.

98 that last one is the one!

wow that looks sweet. You make a decision on those?

I really like the R6s.

Those do look nice, but I'm gonna have to vote for the ROH ones.

Well, I called Tirerack for some extra info. Wheels are about 29lb a piece which doesn't seem to bad. I think Cobra R's are around 22 so I guess this would be okay for an 18? They said the Zero's are on backorder so I might just go ahead and order the wheels awhile. That way I can bolt one up and check it out without having a whole set of mounted/balanced wheels/tires to deal with if it just doesn't "move" me! I found a local "authorized" installation shop that Tirerack approves who will mount/balance for $10-$15 a piece. That way I can see it done in person, get my little yeller scorpions put where I want em, and have an actual person to deal with.

All but one of my scorpions are lined up with the valve stems. One tire was way off balance so he put it on the oposite side from the valve stem. Make sure they use the stick on weights... you dont want a nice set of wheels with ugly weights hanging on the edge.

I got a present from the UPS dude...


  • r7.jpg
    62 KB · Views: 382

But he might get em back cause I just can't decide if I like em.:rolleyes:


  • r72.jpg
    38.4 KB · Views: 335

I guess this didn't "move" you huh? :) Is this the 18x8.5 for $189 ea.? How much did they charge you for shipping?

Wow I like them, but you would know better in person.

X-Factor: Yeah, 18X8.5, but $159 a piece. $42 dollars for shipping (packaging was excellent by the way) for a total of like $678. They were $299 a piece originally so it is a heck of a bargan, but I'm just not sure if I like them. I was stuck on Cobra R's but started looking for something different as well as something in 18" size since 17" just began to look to small for a sport style truck. Something keeps drawing me to the ROH RT but they are another $100 a piece or so. I can't even make my mind up about tires now. I was sure I was going with the Scorpion zero, but I really like the look of the Toyo Proxes ST. Hell, I was only going to lower it F/R by 1.75/1 and now I want to go 2.5/2! I wish I could just leave this thing alone!

I don't know 98X5.0, it looks good from here. You should definitely keep it. Besides you can't recover the $42 shipping and it'll take another $42 to ship it back to them. That aside, it's definitely worth keeping. The one you really want is $100 more per wheel that you could might as well just spend on the tires.

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Originally posted by 98X5.0
X-Factor: ... I wish I could just leave this thing alone!

Never, then you would have found the cure and I don't want it! haha

The Toyo's are hard to beat. With the wheels there now you have options and can see each tire of each size on the truck for sure.
