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Ceramic Spark Plug Wire


Active Member
April 23, 2010
City, State
aurora mn
Year, Model & Trim Level
06 explorer 00 f150
Has anyone use Ceramic Spark Plug Wire. Thinking about buying a set :thumbdwn:ID BID DOLLAR

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Never heard of them. If there cheap enough, get them and let us know what you think.

I purchased some accel wires for about $65.00 when my old ones had a crack. That should give you an idea how much you want to spend.

I read up on them any u can lay them on a RED HOT header and will not melt I order the 9002c They must have a { C } behind the part number or they are not ceramic. I talk to 2 guy that use them and they said only way to go $110 for the wires and $20 for 10 coil boots. I will try them this weekend and get to see what my TMH realy do!!!

I looked at those Accel wires and only the boots look like they're ceramic (makes sense....ceramic isn't too flexible and wires need to be). Here's what Aurora (the wire company I use) says about ceramic boots (I'd been looking at the concept myself):

Ceramic boots are offered as expensive 'cures' for high temperature applications where poor quality silicone or rubber boots burn. Ceramic offers no advantage whatsoever over the high temperature silicone boots that Aurora offers. The reason is simple. Ceramic material is a conductor of heat and will get near as hot as the engine components it is adjacent to. Although the ceramic boot can withstand the heat, the Achilles heel of this type of arrangement is that the wire entering the boot will burn. It makes no sense having a boot capable of withstanding 1200° if the wire burns at 500°. Aurora only uses high grade silicone materials that offer more than adequate protection for high heat applications such as RVs, propane conversions or round the clock emergency and service vehicles.

In emergencies, burned boots can be replaced. When the wire burns off in a ceramic boot, the only option is to purchase a new wire (if you can). We see disillusioned customers time and time again switching back to conventional wires when they find that ceramic boots were not the cure for their problems of excessive heat.

p.s. I saw this quote from another site on a discussion about "ceramic coated wires" ;)

The only place I know to find ceramic coated spark plug wires is next to the halogen headlight fluid just below the performance muffler bearings in Autozone.

Sounds like hype to me, I went with Jacobs wires, when a company goes out of business you know they have to be Good!!! What?

For what it's worth, I've read some positive reviews on ceramic boots from header users and other applications.

I wish I could get one or two made for the trickier spots. No need for all 8. Overkill on probably 6 of 8 wires. I'd love to try one on #3 and #4 (problematic areas on my truck).

I will keep u posted how they work. If u watch for them on Amazon u can get a 6 wire set for $80. I just wanted to go all the way because i just installed TMH. and if they work good a cam change is next. MY 2000 MM is clean and just hit 100k.

I will keep u posted how they work. If u watch for them on Amazon u can get a 6 wire set for $80. I just wanted to go all the way because i just installed TMH. and if they work good a cam change is next. MY 2000 MM is clean and just hit 100k.

Don't forget the crimping tool if you don't have one already. ;)

My '99 EB is pretty clean too. Just under 83,000 miles. :D

Hi Guys I recieves My accel Ceramic Spark Plug wires But no coil boots they will not be here till next week. They look GREAT they sould be the answer to burned boots. I did try them on the plug Just to see how they fit, they are a bit larger diameter then the stock boots not much . They are 115 Degree Boots, #8 is realy close to the TMH. then i looked at #2and 3,did not like how the wire run with the 115 degree boots, will work but I came in and order 2 wires with 90 degree boots and a set of Spark Plug Boot Insulator NOT FOR THE CERAMIC BOOT just for the wire just want to be safe. I will have 2 extra wire but i think i will just put them in the clove box never no mite need them!! I spent just over $200 for everything BUT if u keep burning boots they will pay for them self in no time.. JUST MY OPION!! I will keep up with REPLYS as soon as i get my new coil boots i am going on a 400 mile road trip as soon as i get the coil boots,so that sould give me the answer if they work or not. Have a nice LABOR DAY!! Later Phil

Hello Explorer buddies!! Just installed my Ceramic Spark Plug Wire today. Very nice wires I put 90 degree boots on 2 and 3 could of used 90s on 7 and 8. #8 is almost hitting the header but should not matter. I put Spark Plug Boot Insulator on all 8 NOT over the ceramic boot just up to them on the wires. My 2000 MM 5.0 has never run so good with the TMH. I did put another 2inch hole with a pvc pipe in the air box. Did get more power, not as much as i thought i mite get but i still need a better muffler and tail pipe. If you look at your stock muffler it is 2 1/4 going in and out But Next to the muffler its necked down to about 2inch so getting a good true 2 1/2 muffler and tail pipe would help. Only got to put about 20 miles on her today so cant say about MPG Will no more after the weekend. I think the ceramic boots are the way to go with the TMH on GT40P heads LATER Phil
