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Chain Popping in BW 4405 transfer case


February 17, 2017
Reaction score
City, State
King NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer Explorer
I will getting inside the 98 Explorer transfer case,what should I buy to stop the chain popping or jumping.A regular rebuild kit or should I concentrate on getting a new chain and gears? It pops when in 4WD and when I hit the gas hard in 2WD.Can the chain be tightened.

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The chain has stretched and needs to be replaced as far as what to buy I would take it apart and see what all needs to be replaced besides the chain and seals. Maybe it needs bearings or a fork, you won't know until you go look.

The chain has stretched and needs to be replaced as far as what to buy I would take it apart and see what all needs to be replaced besides the chain and seals. Maybe it needs bearings or a fork, you won't know until you go look.
That's what I thought,I was hoping to minimize down time...

I have seen the range fork and the range slider wear out even the case where the fork support rod sits can wear so there is a lot that can be going on inside there. The chain will stretch mostly due to running it low on oil and running it low can also cause the other items to wear quickly.

If you want to just get the basics and hope for the best I would get a seal kit and chain along with the fork plastic inserts, hopefully that's all it will need.

I have seen the range fork and the range slider wear out even the case where the fork support rod sits can wear so there is a lot that can be going on inside there. The chain will stretch mostly due to running it low on oil and running it low can also cause the other items to wear quickly.

If you want to just get the basics and hope for the best I would get a seal kit and chain along with the fork plastic inserts, hopefully that's all it will need.
Thanks.Hopefully It can be taken apart just once...and fixed!

How do/did you know the chain was causing a problem? imp
Several local mechs have told me that is probably the problem.Put the Explorer in 4wd hit the gas and it is felt and heard.So I take em at their word..Now why is the chain doing that ,I am not %100 sure.A few reasons could be the problem.I am tempted to get a used 4405 locally and roll the dice,and take this one apart and rebuild it slowly.I dont want to be without the vehicle for an extended amount of time..

There is also a clutch pack in there. The quickest way to destroy a T case is diffrent size tires. They can have the all the same size on the tires and still be different because of air pressure or replacing one or tires at a time. Different tread depths. You have to check what is called stagger. Circumstances of each tire must be within 3/8 of an inch of each other.

@transman304 Hit me up if I'm wrong......we don't know, I don't think, which TC this is. AWD has a "viscous clutch" similar to a baby torque converter, with only fluid transmitting the force. The 4X4 TC, whether manually actuated only, or "automatically", has an electrically-operated clutch which is either engaged or disengaged, but is not designed to provide any "slip" like a manual transmission clutch. If it DOES begin to slip, definite problems will develop. imp

There is also a clutch pack in there. The quickest way to destroy a T case is diffrent size tires. They can have the all the same size on the tires and still be different because of air pressure or replacing one or tires at a time. Different tread depths. You have to check what is called stagger. Circumstances of each tire must be within 3/8 of an inch of each other.View attachment 95649
that is very interesting.I will take note

these are the numbers off of the TC tag.what do they mean exactly.. A0982 4405-11 171636 XL24-AA. I see other '98 Explorer TCs online with longer PNs with no 4405 mentioned.Are they replacements or did 98 explorers have several different TCs.Thanks explorer forum for your wealth of knowledge.

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