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Chain Tensioner


Well-Known Member
January 2, 2007
Reaction score
Just a query really. As the front LH timing chain tensioner is exposed on the outside of the engine (mine being a nice flat grey one), what is stopping it just being unscrewed and having the new one (black one with 2 inch ext.) installed and torqued to 32ft lbs, with a new seal that i assume is included in the OOM12 KIT?

I mean this doesn't replace the lower intake seals or install the oil restricter, but replacing the tensioner must do some good? I understand how one would replace the lower intake seals, this doesn't seem that difficult from the various writeups, but where and how does this oil restricter go into it all?

The solution being sold on ebay for 650.00 does more than just install an OOM12 KIT, but is this needed, as the TSB recall in the US just suggests installing the kit, not replacing the chains etc?

My engine rattles a bit on start-up (say 2 seconds on cold start-up), warm start-up (say up to 5 minutes). However at operating temperature is doesn't rattle after the 5 minutes, obviouly between 2400-2600 revs within the 5 minutes it does rattle. What is the process of chain tensioner destruction, i have heard that as it gets worse the chain will rattle non-stop all the time? I assume mine is just starting then?

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To get to the tensioner you have to remove the intake manifold. So you might as well fit the entire OOM12 kit including the restricter. But if you want to just change the tensioner you can.

Where does the restricter go? I mean the set of blue seals and black seals are used on the intake.

What would someone charge to just fit the OOM12 Kit, it 'seems varly easy'?

I now know where the oil restricter goes, above to the left of the tensioner.

Seems reasonably easy, what would a garage charge if they were handed the OOM12 kit.

Fitting the kit takes about 3 hours (I've done 7 so far). The restricter goes behind a plug just next to the tensioner. (you get a new plug in the kit). You just remove the plug and pop in the plastic pipe, then fit the new plug.

Yes I have helped out a number of fellow UK owners. Got it down to a fine art now. I don't keep them in stock so it takes me a week or two to get them. If you are interested then drop me a pm.

rattle on start up

Yes I have helped out a number of fellow UK owners. Got it down to a fine art now. I don't keep them in stock so it takes me a week or two to get them. If you are interested then drop me a pm.

hi howard i have a 2000 v6 explorer i think it needs one of those kits noisy when first starts but goes quiet when engine warms up how much do supply and fit kit for thanks will.

hi howard how much to supply and fit tensioner kit to explorer thanks will

You were right whaen you said it would eventually rattle non stop. Mine is doing that now. Under the hood the sound is definatly coming from the passenger side US (left side if you're standing in front of the truck). I know how to change the driver side but how do you stop the rattle on the other side ?
