Changing my tranny fluid | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Changing my tranny fluid


Well-Known Member
March 14, 2006
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City, State
Newtown, CT
Year, Model & Trim Level
97 Explorer XLT

Since I'm buying a boat tomorrow, I wanted to get my tranny all ready for it, so I went to the shop and they told me that they would have to flush the tranny cooler, and change the tranny fluid and filterr. They said it would cost me $230 :eek: and when I asked them if they use Amsoil, he said "no Amsoil is for newer transmissions and it will make your tranny slip" Is he right? what is a good fluid to use than? Is it easy to do this myself? is there any guides on how to do this? and is there anything else that I need to do, so I'd be sure nothing goes wrong when I'm towing 2500 pounds. My truck is a 97 Explorer 4.0 SOHC with stock tranny cooler.If his price is reasonable I'll give it to them to change it. So please point me in the right direction


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Amsoil will not cause it to slip. You could do this yourself without paying a shop so much money. Check the transmission section for a sticky on flushing the transmission. This flush requires disconnecting one cooler line, and adding ATF while the engine is running. It would be a good idea to have 2 people do this. A basic pan drop/filter/fluid replacement is a one man job. Use only Mercon V ATF or full synthetic.

Amsoil will not cause it to slip. You could do this yourself without paying a shop so much money. Check the transmission section for a sticky on flushing the transmission. This flush requires disconnecting one cooler line, and adding ATF while the engine is running. It would be a good idea to have 2 people do this. A basic pan drop/filter/fluid replacement is a one man job. Use only Mercon V ATF or full synthetic.

The shop said that, if I want them to just change my tranny fluid and filter it would cost about $130, and said it would not be ready for towing if I only do that. Is he just trying to get more money from me, or is he right? What is the point if flushing the tranny cooler?

I'ts not just flushing the cooler. It's an entire system flush. It will cost more because you are using more fluid. Make sure that they use the correct fluid, and not the regular Mercon with an additive.

I'ts not just flushing the cooler. It's an entire system flush. It will cost more because you are using more fluid. Make sure that they use the correct fluid, and not the regular Mercon with an additive.

Is there any advantage to flushing?

Hey Brooklyn, I flushed my wifes 02' Grand Caravan (55,000) yesterday. Long story but I had done 2 filter and fluid changes in the past six months so the fluid was pretty new already, so I couldnt tell the difference between the new and old. I did 3 quarts at a time for a total of 12. My question is where does the fluid come from that is coming out of the return line? I had my wife start it for me and run through each gear (quickly) to make sure the torque converter was pumping, I wasnt sure if it did in park. I was hoping that I wasnt just sucking out the new fluid I just put in straight from the pan. Thanks

The fluid goes throughout the entire transmission, so you don't have to worry about dumping new fluid (until it's time for it to come out). Keep adding fluid without losing the prime (don't run it until it gets dry). The transmission has fluid everywhere (pan, pump, cooler, valve body, clutch packs, etc).

I would recommend you DIY the flush' a very simple job.

Amsoil will not hurt a thing. I would avoid that shop like the plague.

Good luck.

What boat did you get?

I read those prices and my jaw dropped. Are those prices normal? I've changed all my fluids myself all my life, but thought that flushing out a transmission was like $70. My wife better appreciate that much more that I service all our own vehicles.

If the shop told you that you can't use the vehicle for towing unless the transmission was flushed, then that's your sign to never drive past that shop again, let alone stop there.

My only question is, if OP is going to do an engine assisted flush himself, how much is it to put the larger transmission cooler in at the same time? Wouldn't hurt to price the part since OP is looking to use the vehicle for towing now.
