Charging Issue after Cluster Swap | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Charging Issue after Cluster Swap


Well-Known Member
August 15, 2010
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96 Explorer 4x4 Sport
My explorer, that is now having an issue charging its self, has become a PITA.

It started dieing while on the road, like the battery would just run its self out completely.

Turns out my little brother swapped in a spare cluster I had laying around. Could it be the cluster is causing an issue?

Doesn't the alternator run through the voltage meter on the dash, before running back to the battery? That is what makes me think that the cluster is bad, causing the Alternator's power unable to reach its destination.

We replaced the alternator and the battery. My truck doesn't have keyless entry or any other power options besides locks and windows, so it is the 95A.

We checked all the fuses & relays in the dash and under the hood that would pertain anything to do with the charging system. All of them looking and operate as they should.

My only option left, is the cluster.


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It doesnt run through the gauge, but it does run through the idiot light. When you 1st turn the key on does the battery light come on?

If the light is burned out or removed the alt won't charge. Stupid design, but hey that's why the engineers make the big bucks right? Sup Gabe.

If the light is burned out or removed the alt won't charge. Stupid design, but hey that's why the engineers make the big bucks right? Sup Gabe.

Chillin... chillin... you?

why did he "swap in" another cluster??? might be the clue to your problem.

Have you checked the light yet? You just need to turn the key on and look at the dash.

Side note: My kid wouldnt go to sleep, I'll call you tomorrow.

Have you checked the light yet? You just need to turn the key on and look at the dash.

Side note: My kid wouldnt go to sleep, I'll call you tomorrow.

after 5. im gonna come home and push the truck back in the street, so i can pull mine in, face to face and put a little juice on the battery.

Tomorrow we will find out.

Alright, I'll call after work.

have you measured any of the voltage with and without the truck running???
