Check engine light with a code # P0174. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check engine light with a code # P0174.


August 14, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
02 XLS
Hi my 02 4.0 sohc is now throwing a cel and from what ive been reading ive heard its either an elbow thats sucking in air or the maf...where would I find this fabled elbow thats apparently notorious for causing problems?

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Just out of there any way for me to check the gaskets without ripping it apart or no? I am not horribly mechanically inclined and im not confident in taking apart the engine...hoses are one thing but actual unbolting and retorqueing im not sure of at all. Unless it were a cummins...then I could in my sleep lmao

PCV elbow, it's in front of the right side of the intake. Oil accumulate in them and they soften and crack/split on the underside. Motorcraft KCV190 replacement #.


Thank you! I will check that today! I also noticed for some reason one of my hoses doesnt have a clamp on it and seems fluted at the im no genius but im assuming that all hoses are supposed to be clamped where they connect lol

Checking for vacuum leaks

I hope the elbow fixes the problem. Here are a couple of tips for finding vacuum leaks in case you need them for future reference.

There are 2 methods that I normally use to check for vacuum leaks with tearing everything apart.

The first is to use your ears to try to pin point the location and then use a hand or finger to see where the second leak is. It takes a little practice, but once you get the hang of it, it's pretty reliable.

The second is to get a can of carburetor cleaner from your local parts storr and lightly spray around vacuum lines and/or intake.ONLY DO THIS WHEN THE ENGINE IS COLD!!! Carburetor cleaner is extremely flammable.
