Check Engine light | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Check Engine light


March 21, 2000
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About two weeks ago my check engine light came on. It has gone on and off before due to gas quality I was told. It seems like it doesn't want to turn off this time though. What causes it to turn on? Do I need to take it into Ford asap? The code it gave before was from the catalytic converter. I don't know this time, and I do not have the $50.00 to spend for someone to tell me it's realated to gas quality! Thank you again for all your help!

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You didn't tell us what year and how many miles. If your truck appears to be running fine then try disconnecting the battery for a few minutes. This will reset your computer. If the check engine light comes on again, you need to have the error codes read. Also, I would always use a high quality gasoline like Mobil, Shell and the like.

My Explorer is a 1997 with 69,000 miles. It seems to be running fine with the exception of seeming "gutless". It feels like it has lost power over the past two months, or maybe it is just my heavier foot! Of course I did do a minor tune-up and change the air filter two months ago as well. I will try the battery tommorrow, I had the codes read before and it was the O2 ssensor in the catalytic converter, Ford claims due to bad gas. Everything checked out fine. Since then I stopped using Arco, and it hasn't came on again, until now.

OK, now what engine do you have? You either have the SOHC V6 or the V8. My SOHC V6 had the light come on at about 50K due to the intake manifold O-rings going bad. Actually Ford had a TSB stating that sometimes the o-rings might have gotten folded over during installation at the factory. After a while it develops an intake air leak. The code it set on mine was a P0171 (fuel trim too lean, bank 1). My oxygen sensors were seeing more oxygen than they were supposed to be getting since it was sucking air though my intake manifold. I don't buy the bad gas conclusion by Ford on the first time. Anything could have set it off and since the code was related to the catalytic converter I hope they at least checked it out. Fortunately it has an 80K mile warranty. I have used ARCO, Diamond Shamrock and many other cheaper fuels without having a problem due to bad gas. Now if you go down to Mexico and use Pemex that might be a different story. As others have said, try disconnecting the battery to clear the light. If it comes back on imediately or within a few days you'll have to have the codes read to ensure that you aren't shooting in the dark at your problem. There are hundreds of things that can cause the light to come on. One other suggestion is to make sure your gas cap is tight and not leaking.

The check engine light deals with anything pertaining to the Emissions controls of the engine. It could be anyone of a hundred things, although in most cases the causes of my check engine light going on were caused by the O2 sensors, and one time from the MAF sensor. It seem that O2 sensors will start going out at around 60k. At least that's what a few mechanics have told me.
