Checking the A/C QUESTION | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Checking the A/C QUESTION


Well-Known Member
April 20, 2002
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City, State
Overland Park, Kansas
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT 5.0 AWD
I bought a pressure guage (looks just like a tire guage) to check the level in my a/c and cant get it to fit in the service valve. Am I doing somthing wrong? Is this where the service valve is located? (circled in yellow)

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Hello. You got the r134 gauge set right?

It should go on like an air hose quick connect and then turn to tighten.

It looks like you got the low side service port. The high side is on the driver side near the condenser.

I just used an Interdynamics pressure gage (comes with R134a recharge kit) to measure the pressure on the low-pressure side (as suggested in the directions which comes with the kit). On my 1991 Explorer, the low pressure port is on the passenger side and the high pressure port is near the compressor and radiator on the driver side. The low pressure port has a blue colored plastic cap and the high pressure port had a red colored cap. There are adapter kits for converting from R12 to R134 at automotive parts stores so you could go to a parts store to have them help you check to see if your pressure gage will fit the port (ie if you have a R12 port gage, I think it will not fit a R134 port). With a 97 Explorer, I assume you have R134. My Haynes Automotive Repair Manual has a photo of can of R134 being recharged into a 1994 and later model - but the photo was taken from the front of the vehicle - whereas your photo was taken from the drivers side front so it does not look like the Haynes photo (it appears your yellow circled port is very near the same location as the Haynes photo).
By the way, I added a 14 oz can of R134 and my air conditioning system is now working again. I will probably add some more tomorrow.
By the way, I found a Nissan site describing how to convert from R12 to R134 using an Interdynamics conversion kit - and I realize you are not converting but the Nissan site had information on pressure measurements, etc. (photos, good text) but so far have not found one for a Ford Explorer .
Good luck.
Mike with 91 4x4 in Seattle

You have the R-134a system. You have a 5.0 so the engine bay might be set up a little different than mine, but on mine the low-pressure test port is on the passenger side area, pretty close to where you have circled.

Don't use the high-pressure test port. It won't register on your gauge and could get pretty wild if you don't have the proper equipment to test it. The tester gauges are for the low-pressure test port.
