Chop, Cut, Rebuild: DB_1's Ranger...again | Page 11 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Chop, Cut, Rebuild: DB_1's Ranger...again

Ok kiddies, time for my bi-annual rebuild thread:p:
This time I won't be messing with the suspension...well, maybe the coilovers.
I may need new coils so I don't have so much uptravel but I'll deal with that much later.

Since i'm barely working progress will be slow since I'll need a few parts and whatnot to get my rig functional again. Main things I need to purchase are new leaf springs. They are totally shot and to have them rebuilt I can buy a new set of Toy springs which i'm gonna try out.

In the mean time, i've been removing stuff that either is damaged and won't be used again or just removing to get it out of the way while I work on stuff.

Here's my list so far:

Front bumper tubework: This will get reworked to accommodate the winch.
Front fenders: Thrashed beyond repair
Rocksliders: Been wanting to build new ones anyways so good as time as any to cut them off.
Rocker panels: Want to get the sliders up higher so they had to go.
Bed: Also trashed beyond repair, tubework will go in it's place
Gutted supercab area: Needed to remove for roof repair but may leave it that way and spray it with undercoating.

That's what i've done so far to the rig and I got my winch mounted today as well. I bought this winch early last summer before the roll and it's a SuperWinch Rock 9.5 short drum with synthetic rope.
I was pondering how i'd fit the grill back on since it sits behind it but i'd still need to access the freespool lever. My plan is to have it on hinges so I can flip it up, i'll just need a way to lock it in place at the bottom...maybe with Dzus fastners.

So on with the pics, i'll start with some before pics of the roof caved in and then with some of the roof almost where I want it. Still needs work obviously.
Other pics show the rockers cut and some general shots of the truck in its current condition. Last set of shots is of the winch install and grill mock up.

















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.'s pretty good for what it is. I like the mounting options it has...Happy Holidays

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Been working on a new front bumper when I have time. I may or may not do a stinger but for now I'll run it like this. It's just tacked together right now but hope to weld it up this weekend then I can finally wire up the winch.

Also did some trimming to the corners underneath the marker lights...pass. side got munched when the old bumper got pushed up into it. Grill is also trimmed to match the corners. I'll get pics when its all assembled.


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..I can't wait to see this up close...:D

..:scratch:..Am I the only one that see's that thing sitting on the blue jack stands? What's up with that?..:p:

Spare axle assembly just in case. Good idea incase the tubes gets bent or damaged on the axle installed on the Ranger. Good idea.

Me thinks that is a Dana 60 on the jack stands.

You be right;)

Got this 88' Ford D60 housing a couple years ago and have been collecting parts ever since. I have all the outers minus kingpin rebuild parts and all bearings. Still need shafts, gears, locker, u-joints and all the small parts that go with it.

I didn't want to stuff stock parts in it so that's why it's taking so long with buying quality aftermarket parts...then I need to build up a rear axle...:rolleyes:

...:scratch:..Hmmm...Let me know your plans on your current axle in the distant future..:D

Went to KOH last week and met up with some of the EF regulars out there. Had a great time watching the events and it was an adventure in itself getting to the Aftershock trail with Rockranger to watch some of the action.

I stayed until Thursday and we went out for a quick romp, not even on a trail but a rocky section on the side of a hill. Tried to go up a ledge and the trans slipped on the first attempt. This had happened in the past and my cure was to overfill it a bit...guess It needed checking. Had a couple more attempts at it then heard a pop. U-joints looked good so figured it was a hub.

Opened it up today and sure enough the drive gear came out in pieces. This is the first driveline breakage i've had on this truck...well, if TTB autohubs count. I've got a set of Warn standards (I have premiums on there now) that I can slap on there for now. I'll eventually upgrade to Yukons now that they have them for D44's.

Oh that...I recently hard mounted my air compressor in the cab but still have to clip it to the battery outside in the bed. Not a big deal but in my haste to pack up my truck I didn't fully uncoil the power leads which left some of the cord touching the compressor.

The compressor gets very hot during use and I heard it sputtering when airing up my last tire. I didn't pay much attn to it since Matt and I were chatting but then it just cut off. I looked inside the cab and saw the wire melted and on fire. I freaked lol and had Matt unclip the leads and avoided total meltdown.

I could go on with the sandstorm that blew in when breaking down my was a comedy of errors that last day out there:p:

Oh, the joys of desert camping..

Did Matt go with you in your truck? I am surprised you let him near it, since I remember he was in it when.......:roll::roll:

Oh, the joys of desert camping..

Did Matt go with you in your truck? I am surprised you let him near it, since I remember he was in it when.......:roll::roll:

Yup, we were our own KOH team lol...only spectators. He navigated and I drove. We made it pretty far in 2WD and street pressure, had to flip the hubs once we got near Aftershock.

So here's what's left of the hub...only the hub dial and springs are in tact.
Did a little comparo while swapping hubs. The screws on the premiums are longer and thinner than the standard hubs. The standard dials are more like a quarter turn and don't have as slim of a profile. Other than that I think you are paying more for premiums just for a fancier dial.


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I can give you some next time I see you. Warn sent me two complete sets when I had the head fall off one on the original install.
Looks like the standard lockouts have stronger hardware. Does having the dial turn more really give you that much more contact?

Thanks Brian but probably not needed. Ive got the other premium hum as a spare now and running the standards.

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Don't the warn hubs still carry a lifetime warranty?

