Church Van + Harley = Ouch! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Church Van + Harley = Ouch!

As some of you have heard, on Thursday evening I got hit by a church van on my Harley. The damage isn't as bad as I thought.


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Damn dude. I've always been afraid of hitting a motorcycle because I can't see them sometimes and on the occasions that I have the music loud I can't hear them either.

How'd you make out? No major injuries I hope...

I've got 2 fractures going up my Tibia from my ankle, some bone chips floating in the joint, cartilage damage, and alot of deep tissue contusions. And a bruised knee and bicep. All on the right side.

I've got 2 fractures going up my Tibia from my ankle, some bone chips floating in the joint, cartilage damage, and alot of deep tissue contusions. And a bruised knee and bicep. All on the right side.

Well maybe not then. God willing you'll be up and at 'em again real soon :thumbsup:

dang man what did you do to piss God off... get better soon!!

I've got 2 fractures going up my Tibia from my ankle, some bone chips floating in the joint, cartilage damage, and alot of deep tissue contusions. And a bruised knee and bicep. All on the right side.

Man, hope ya get heal up well at least ya didn't get banged up body wise to much. The cycle aint as important as you being alive.

True, but it sucks that I had a big ride planned for Friday and that it was Sunny and 83 yesterday, with today being Sunny and 88!:mad::fire:

Edit: Does this qualify me for the 2-wheel ROP?

Yeah as much as those things cost for being a ride you usually can only ride a couple months out of the year it sucks for'em to get beat up.

Glad to see that all can be repaired. Hoping you heal fast!

As to the ROP did the bike go over or just you??

uhhhhhh does this mean I gotta design a new flag???????????!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Wow sorry to hear about your accident. Atleast your injuries aren't as severe.. I knew a former co-worker who got hit in Baltimore by a street sweeper. Took him a good 5 years to convince himself to get back on a bike.

Glad to see that all can be repaired. Hoping you heal fast!

As to the ROP did the bike go over or just you??

uhhhhhh does this mean I gotta design a new flag???????????!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL

Both. After the initial impact the bike rolled one way, and I went the other way.

Damn, show, I guess you're out of work for a while!

Also, I still owe you a tiki. Now you have lots of time to think about what you want. :p:

Like I said before Bill, just start whittling up something and it will look great. I haven't seen one yet that didn't look fantastic!

Will do. :salute:

Too bad about the bike, but at least you're ok, thats the important thing. Have had a few friends get hurt pretty bad in bike/car related crashes that didn't really leave the bike looking that bad. My bud has the same bike in a very similar color scheme.

I'm currently looking for a project bike myself. I want to do either an old jap or old brit chop, late 60's early 70's.

wow man, good to hear you are alright. Best of luck on that recovery, I'm sure the pain will linger for a while on that one, but at least you are here to tell us about it. Was the driver cited for hitting you?

I'll have to wait for the report to be filed with Records Division. But should have been cited for a "Failure to Yield, Left Turn", or whatever San Diego calls it, as I had the right of way and he was at a stop sign on a side road.

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I've got 2 fractures going up my Tibia from my ankle, some bone chips floating in the joint, cartilage damage, and alot of deep tissue contusions. And a bruised knee and bicep. All on the right side.

Good to hear most is well. Don't skip on the physical therapy. It is a big help.

Damn dude. I've always been afraid of hitting a motorcycle because I can't see them sometimes and on the occasions that I have the music loud I can't hear them either.

Being seen is one of our biggest hurdles to overcome. As motorcyclists we are not seen because the general public is not looking for us. May is Motorcycle awareness month. Please look twice, it could save a life. As for relying on sound to hear us, by the time you hear the bike it is too late. That is assuming it is a bike with loud exhaust. Mine is quiet, so unless I have my stereo cranked up I'm relying on making myself visible. Steve not to bag on you by any means it is just that the honesty you have can scare the heck out of motorcyclists. You are just honest enough to admit it.
