cigareette lighter in awkward spot... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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cigareette lighter in awkward spot...


December 2, 2009
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Year, Model & Trim Level
1991 explorer 2 door sprt
i just got a gps and have to use the cigarette lighter to charge it, but it wont fit since the cigarette lighters in such a weird there any brand or kind you guys know that fit...thanks

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You can get a whole new plug at meijers and mount it anywhere you want, theyre like 5-10$ theres a few diff. ones

could you link me please, i couldnt find it on there site

Hardwire in one of these and pass it through your defroster vent. No cord hanging all over the place. Much cleaner install...

I have had 2 of these types of kits, this one is a better plug in vs, the kit with the 90* bent plug to the back of the Garmin.

Comes on when I start the truck, and turns off when I turn the truck off.

I actually took my GPS's cig. plug, cut the plug off, and just spliced the 2 wires so it was hardwired, and did like Joe said, and ran it up by the fusebox, then into the defroster vent where my GPS sits

I actually took my GPS's cig. plug, cut the plug off, and just spliced the 2 wires so it was hardwired, and did like Joe said, and ran it up by the fusebox, then into the defroster vent where my GPS sits

Just thought I would make this a little clearer. You can't just cut the wires off the back of the plug and hardwire it, unless your device is 12 volts. My GPS is only 5 volts, and that big chunk of plastic coverts the voltage from 12 to 5. You could cut this chunk open and get rid of the actual pieces that get inserted into the cigarette lighter and attach wires to there. When I read it I had visions of the OP hacking the voltage converter off, wiring it and smoking his GPS.

I forgot to mention that I also took the plug apart first, which only contained a fuse, and a small light. I kept the fuse in the line and just bypassed the plug.

Hardwire in one of these and pass it through your defroster vent. No cord hanging all over the place. Much cleaner install...

I have had 2 of these types of kits, this one is a better plug in vs, the kit with the 90* bent plug to the back of the Garmin.

Comes on when I start the truck, and turns off when I turn the truck off.

I'm still using that first option you sold me on last summer and it still works as advertised with my Tom Tom.
Posted via Mobile Device

I try... :)

The first one I had lost connection intermittently on the GPS unit. I think I may have done something to it when fishing it through the defroster vent. But, this one seems to lock in better.

They actually have roads up there in Calgary on GPS maps?

