claw traxx, max traxx has anyone used them? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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claw traxx, max traxx has anyone used them?

lynchy wa

Down Under Beer Explorer
September 30, 2009
Reaction score
City, State
Albany, Western Australia
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I'm looking at a set of these as 95% of my offroad work is on soft beaches or the soft dune track's leading to the beaches. Has anyone used these in that capacity and what did you reckon about them? Any alternate idea's on a similar product commercially available or home made?


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I was wondering how well they'd work in the snow. Wonder what they're getting for a set of those? You'd almost need to tie them off to a buoy so they don't get lost under the sand forever!

I thought maybe you could tie them off to your tow hitch/back bumper so you wouldn't lose momentum by stopping to get them when your alone. Don't know how well that idea will work tho'?:dunno: They'd be packed in pretty tight with all that weight on 'em.

Found this snow one. It's only Ozzy snow, not some of the psycho white stuff you guys get.


My claw traxx arrived today, I got them mainly for the soft, boggy coastal sand that makes up most of the track's (and of course the beaches) around my way. I may need to remove the mudflap's (or at least trim them down and replace with rubber ones) before these bugger's do it for me. Anyway this for me is just an alternative to getting down on my hands and knee's and digging with the shovel or (hopefully?) not having to air down to 5 or 6 psi to get out of a boggy situation I should never have attempted to try in the first place!


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Test video!

As soon as I'm on the road (or off the road?) mate, it'll be posted:D:D:thumbsup:

wher did you buy them ??

I got them locally down here. I did see a sema clip on youtube about max traxx so I'm assuming that they are available Stateside, I'll have a squiz and see if I can't find a U.S. retail link for them.

one link, no retail mentioned:

Cant find a U.S. retailer but give this mob an email to see if they will ship oversea's.

These claw trax are the same sort of thing but $100 cheaper @ $199 oz $. That would more than cover postage for the same price as max trax ($290) weight of the pakage is about 7 kg (15 1/2 lbs).
