Clicking sound from under vehicle (97 5.0 AWD) | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clicking sound from under vehicle (97 5.0 AWD)

Mike T

October 24, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Greensboro, NC
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 Eddie Bauer 5.0 AWD
I have a 97 5.0 AWD with ~85,000 on the odo. If the windows are down or a door is open I can hear a nasty clicking/ticking metallic noise coming from under the body when the Ex is rolling slowly while idling. It seems to be coming from the area of the transfer case. I suspect (hope) it is a universal joint, but there seems to be no play if I tug on the driveshafts. Any ideas?

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If you can hear the ticking sound while going slowly or under throttle, it's the famous 5.0 tick, the stock manifolds suck and start slowly leaking causing the sound your hearing. Nobody makes headers for the Explorer any more, and you won't be able to find any FMS headers unfortunatley.

Time to mod that engine, drop in a new cam, custom headers, and full more tick and a lot more power along with much lighter wallet though;), but you'll love that 5.0 rumble in it's raw form, heh.

However, that ticking sound never sounded really metallic to me, actually I guess it can sound pretty tinny or metallic depending on how severe your leaking is, our 97' 5.0 Mountaineer started to develop the tick around the mileage your at, the 5.0 Mountaineer my mom has now is at about 40,000 miles and it has no ticking sound.

Try pulling up next to a wall or pass a building, if you hear that annoying tick echo off the wall, I'm pretty sure it's your manifolds, should get slightly louder with more throttle etc.

Originally posted by Mike T
Nope, it's not the manifolds. I know because they off-course are ticking too :banghead: . But this is a very different noise, from a different area. (Actually the engine could be off and I could still hear this tick if it were rolling).
Thats what I was wondering, I have no idea what could be ticking after shut off as non of ours have ever did that, and the ticking sound from the manifolds never sounded metallic to me.....could be something more serious to keep ticking after you shut the engine off, weird?

Somebody else might be able to chime in because I have no clue what could be making that metallic sound after shut off?

Can you pinpoint where the sound is mainly comming from?

It sounds like it is coming from either the front or rear drive shaft U-joints, or the transfer case (I hope it's not the latter). It makes the sound when the vehicle is rolling. I did a search and found a few old posts referring to this exact sound, but the cause was never identified.

BTW, whatever it is, other than the sound there seems to be no other problems, it drives fine.

The more I think about it the more I think it sounds just like a dissintigrated ball bearing (that crunchy, crackly, clicking noise). I guess it could still be a bad u-joint, but if thats not it, it probably something like a transfer case output shaft bearing (although the output shaft seal is not leaking). Has anyone ever openened their AWD case. Is it readily serviceable? Anyone out there have this same sound?

sorry, i don't have any input to help but keep us updated Mike.

Check your tires for rocks.

I'm serious. I have the same exact powertrain, and had a tick that was rather annoying when I was rolling. It turned out to be a rather good sized pebble lodged in the tread. You may need to roll the vehicle to check all around the tires, it's worth a shot.

I've been hearing a similar sound (like B.B.'s in a hubcap). Really notice it in drive a through but I was thinking it was coming from the breaks like something dragging. Any thoughts on it being out at the corners?

Hmm... Well my click is back, and this time there are no rocks in my tires. It's not brakes either, since I just did all four wheels, with everything new except for calipers.

It sounds like the driver's side, comming from either under my feet (T-case, Trans, U-joint) or the wheels.

I will keep everyone posted to what I find. In a few weeks I'm installing new t-bar adjusters(the kevlar patch), as well as getting around the my slip yoke.

I'm also installing a bunch of Baumann parts in my 4r70w. If the t-case does go, well it looks like I have an excuse to finally give myself some 4 low :D

Originally posted by 5.0Dad
I've been hearing a similar sound (like B.B.'s in a hubcap). Really notice it in drive a through but I was thinking it was coming from the breaks like something dragging. Any thoughts on it being out at the corners?

Wheel bearings or CV Joints???

If it is most noticable when the steering wheel is turned, it's the CV Joints.

There isn't any thing else to make me think it's wheel bearings, no vibrations and everythings tight, but at 80k it's probably time to repack before the next road trip. The last time I checked, u-joints are tight and the sound doesn't change or happen when turning.

Since this seems to be a popular topic...for ALL kinds of clicking sounds......I thought I'd throw my 2 cents in.
I had a clicking sound that drove me crazy. It sounded like it was coming from under the hood/front area, but I could not find anything no matter how hard I tried.
One day it was real windy and my truck was facing into the wind...and I heard the sound!!!
After searching for awhile I finally found the culprit. Came to find that the black plastic flap that covers over the headlight area on each side likes to vibrate with the wind (the flap you lift up to see behind the headlight). It vibrated just perfectly to sound like a clicking noise...almost metallic! I screwed in a couple of black trim screws into each one and no more noise!!!
Just thought I'd share. Except for that perfect parking job into the wind...I would still be searching!!!

I've got the same under rig ticking noise. I was wondering what you found out if anything.

can the famous 5.0 ticking noise happen to a 4.0 also? when i put the truck in park and the radio off i hear a fast ticking noise maybe its normal engine noise just really only noticed it yesterday

Originally posted by tersian
I've got the same under rig ticking noise. I was wondering what you found out if anything.

The noise is still there, and just keeps sounding nastier and nastier. I am 95% sure it is inside the transfer case. The only way to know for 100% sure, is to jack up the truck on four jack-stands, put it in drive with the engine running, and listen to the transfer case housing with a stethescope (keep your body away from the rotating tires :eek: ). I plan on trying that before I order the new Remanufactured case (~$1,000 w/ new Viscous Coupler from what I have found).

Oh Yeah

I know what you are talking about. To fix my problem I replaced my halfshafts in front, ( because they broke:). And what I found was it was the front driveshaft no joke if you take it out you will see the part that bolts up to your t-case slides in and out. And when your car is moving or at speed it sounds like a tick because the metal clasp taps the reciever to the t-case just enough to tick. I had to buy a new one from ford $265.00 because they are supposed to be nonrebuildable units!!!
And I have rebuilt the t-case, while I was at it. you may want to check the fluid in the t-case as well.
Hope this helps.


Mike T I have the same exact noise you are talking about. I haven't had a chance to check it out but I think its the u-joints. I dont think its the clamps on the halfshaft because it is a constant noise. Also its definatly not a pebble in the tire because if you roll slowly and pop it into neutral you know longer hear the noise. I also no its not the manifolds. The only two things it could be is the transfer case or the ujoints. Keep me posted if you find out what it is

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Could it be the heat shield on the transmisson next to the catalytic converter? Mine was making a ticking noise, especially in gear, low speed and while turning the wheel. I tightened the clamps on the shield and it went away.
