Clunk in the rear of my 2003 sport trac | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Clunk in the rear of my 2003 sport trac



There is a clunk comming from the rear of my sport trac, at first i thought it was the new tires hitting the wheel wells, but after several trips to the shop im not to sure, it does it when turning and when hitting bumps, weve tried tightening the shock bolts and leafs and greasing the leafs, the front end is practically new after replacing, both front wheel bearings, tie rod ends,sway bar bushings, etc. i dont know anymore and im getting sick of spending the money to find it, anyone have this problem with theirs? PLEASE HELP!

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Is your hitch ball connected to the receiver? If so try taking it off and see if your sound goes away. Mine always rattles around.

There is no hitch on the truck

How is your universal joints in the rearend (U-joints in the driveline for lame-man terms, LOL!!!) ?

Also, do you have the factory limited slip differental and when was the last time it was serviced? LSD's can destroy their carriers with some abuse (Spinning the Tires, Over Sized Tires, Etc.) as well as maitenance neglect causing overheating of the gear oil and loosing its vescosity which causes too much heat and friction which is a big no no for a differental. I Worked at a off-road shop for 2 years and this was a common problem with Dana 30's all the way up to the GM Corporate 10 bolt rearend.

Hope this helps.:salute:

U-Joint was replaced in the fall, truck goes in regularly for servicing, will have to see when they checked the diffs last.

Was thinking it could be a bad shock, but it doesnt do it all the time so I cant be sure, still has good bounce to it.
