Code Reader type/use | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Code Reader type/use


July 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Wilmington, DE
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 XLT AWD
I want to start doing my own work on my 1992 XLT. What type of code reader do I want to buy? Also, what's involved in using it.

Would the $47.99 one from NAPA be OK for basic use(OBD II, I think)?


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You need an OBD I code reader. Basically any $20-30 reader that gives you the codes and comes with a decent book will work just fine.

Most low end readers you plug in, get the code, then look up the definition. Higher priced models can have a larger screen with the database built in. And/or can give you realtime feedback from sensors. But keep in mind you need an OBD I compatible reader.

Using the code scanner is simple, just plug in the port and turn it on and do the scans with key on not running and another scan while running.

Good luck.....

Thanks all...appreciate the help!
