Codes P0751, P0756, and P0761. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Codes P0751, P0756, and P0761.


September 27, 2010
Reaction score
City, State
Fredericksburg, VA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1997 Ranger 4.0
I got the check engine light the other day and three codes came up; P0751, P0756 and P0761. They are the solenoids A, B and C circuits. The transmission was just rebuilt and only had about 30 miles on it. Since all three codes came up at once, I would think that there is a common problem such as the plug on the transmission case. Any ideas?


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What year and transmission are you working on?

welcome and happy new year

It is a 97 Ranger with the 5R55E tranny.

It probably is either wiring conncetor at otside of trans or internal wiring harness problem.

Thanks, that is what I was thinking. I think I will pull the outside plug and clean the contacts and plug it back in first since that is the easy one to try.
