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Cold Air Intake For 4.0 SOHC


May 18, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
southern california
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 Sport
I have been sending e-mail to a few different makers of cold air intakes to see if there will be one available for the explorer/ranger 4.0L SOHC. I got one promising responce from Volant Performance. They said that they are currently testing an intake for the 4.0L SOHC and it should be available someitme in july or august. It will be very similair to the K&N Generation II intakes with a heat deflecting tubing and heat shield

I currently have a cold air intake made out of stainless steal but it doesn't tend to do well in the heat, the tubing gets hot and i don't have a heat sheild for the k&n filter. So i am looking foward to the new product by volant.


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Maxo, Do you have any pictures of your intake setup, I've though about having one made.

Maybe I way out in left field this one, but couldn't you wrap the intake tube with the ceramic tape used for wrapping headers. Wouldn't that help to insulate the cold air coming in and keep the heat away?

big tig, yes it wiuld. but the stock intake tube is also very restrictive

I'm talking about the stainless intake that Maxo has on his X, not the stock intake. I've though about making one from 3" or 4" tubing and I was just wondering how I could keep the tubing from heating the cold air. Thats when I thought about the ceramic tape.

less restrictive pipe


the pipe looks nice and is less restrictive. you could leave it chromed or wrap it to keep it cool. Doesnt have a shroud or anything to block the underhood heat but definately looks better than the stock hose.

i was thinking... do you think a muffler shop would bend me 3 inch aluminumized exhaust tubing? and then i would wrap it with aforementioned ceramic tape? what does everyone think of this?

soupbone, that is kick A$$. It is exactly what I've been looking for. I would probably leave it chrome just because it looks good, but if I was really looking for preformance the ceramic tape might help or you could always build a custom shroud for it.

jimabena74, that was my idea exactly!!! I was going to use PVC pipe to get the basic shape and angles then take it to a muffler shop and get some pipe bent, but I think I might just spring for the setup that soupbone has brought into light.

oops, sorry if i jacked your idea. i didnt realize that. i thought i actually thought that up.....the way my muffler guys did my exhaust routing, they used a coathanger and made the pipe to coathanger by using the hanger as the outside edge.

Its all good, My original idea was to install a hood scoop and run some pipe from the opening on the inside of the hood scoop over to the filter. Its kinda hard to explain ( I've got all kinds crazy images in my head ), but don't worry if I ever work somthing out I'll be sure to share.

That intake that soupbone mentioned is pretty sweet, I think I might start there and then work on a shroud and/or ram-air setup. I dunno there just ideas that this point.

I guess i could wrap my intake with cool tape or something but that is only half the problem i still need a heat shield for the k&n. I have also been looking into ram air. I just can't seem to make up my mind.

Are we looking into this for the OHV also???

As far as i know there is nothing for the OHV... But most of my time has been looking for SOHC mods.

I wonder will wraping the headers with that stuff void the engine waranty? Should lower under hood heat. Then wrap your stock hose or that polished one for cooler intake.

Oh hehe wrapping the exhaust manifolds i dont think can be done now that I look at it. Be better to get new headers well *if*they made them for the SOHC and wrap them before you get them installed.

My post doesn't pertain to commercial mods, but rather to the DIY SOHC air box mods.

I recently took out the air horn/restricter on my '97 SOHC airbox (rectangular, mounted on right, on the left as you look at it from in front of the grill).

The air horn used to stick IN through the back of the headlamp area... a hold in the radiator housing that allows air and wires to go through. This in turn gets air from below and through the bumper.

After removal of the air horn, the larger opening is also back, more in the engine bay, allowing for more HOT air flow into the intake. This is bad, especially in the 100+ degree weather that has been common this summer.

To alleviate this, I've taken some closed cell, soft foam that I had laying around, and surrounded the gaps between the air box and the headlamp cutout. I don't have any pix to post, because I'm lazy, but if enough are interested, I may do it tomorrow night. The foam comes from some wavy cut foam used in Pelican (aka Browning Gun Vault) travel cases, from the leftovers after I cut out my gun shapes for the travel case. :)

Essentially, all the air going to the air box must now come through the hole behind the headlamp, and consequently come from in FRONT of the radiator, not from behind it.

I'll let everyone know how it works tomorrow in the heat of the day.

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