Cold start Transmission hesitation. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Cold start Transmission hesitation.


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December 30, 2003
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Well, I now have ~260,000km on the '98 Explorer XLT and it is still running like a charm except for a transmission issue I need to inquire about. I did a search here and didn't fine exactly what I was looking for so here goes.
I had all the fluids on the truck swapped to synthetic @ ~180,000km and have had no problems with them. Over the last month or so though, when I go out to the truck in the morning or after it has been sitting for several hours, I am getting a hesitation for approximately 3 seconds from putting it in drive and when the Trannie engages. Reverse is no problem at all. Now, this was happening while we were enjoying -15 to -25 c weather. This morning and yesterday morning the temps were around 0 to +3c and I did not experience this problem. It only seems to act up when really cold.
After the truck gets going, there are no issues with the transmission at all.
Could the synthetic be too thin for this transmission or other major problems creeping up ?


Paul :exp:

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I have a similar problem when I put it into drive. In addition, I have difficulty moving the gear selector until the engine warms up.

Well, I would let it warm up a bit and then see if the delay happens. I know if I was sleeping in -20c and someone woke me up and made me go from a cold start, I would hesitate too, plus moan and groan! Seriously, I would let it warm up some and get the fluids moving..

Well, I would let it warm up a bit and then see if the delay happens. I know if I was sleeping in -20c and someone woke me up and made me go from a cold start, I would hesitate too, plus moan and groan! Seriously, I would let it warm up some and get the fluids moving..

I would do exactly that and feel exactly the same way. Plus I was under the impression that synthetics are by nature thicker and extreme cold temps make oils get extremely thick and unwilling to move. So definately let it warm up.

My last '98 Explorer never did this and I had Synthetic in there from 32,000km until 235,000km when we had our accident. No other vehicle I have had acts like this, especially in the COLD weather.
When the truck is in Neut. sitting warming up.... What exactly in the transmission would be warming up? The truck isn't moving.

