Colorado Group Dinner Vote | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Colorado Group Dinner Vote

Dinner Plans

Yes, we are very lucky to pull this off. NO restaurant wanted to commit to us because they all know that they will fill up anyway on that night.

Now we must decide something else. Considering the size of our group and the fact that the place will be packed that night, Tammee STRONGLY suggested a standard menu in order to get us served. Otherwise it could take an extremely long time filling our orders even though we would be sat as a group and get our seats. Her group menu looks quite adequate and is $19.95 tax and tip inclusive. The kids can still order off of a kid's menu.

Included is a non-alcoholic beverage, salad and dessert choice with each entree. Entrees are:
12 oz New York Strip w/potato
12 oz Ribeye w/potato
12 oz Smothered Ribeye (sauteed mushrooms, onions, swiss cheese) w/potato
Shrimp Scampi over Pasta
Grilled Herb Chicken Pasta in light buttery broth
Grilled Chicken Dinner w/potato & sauteed veggies
(Potato choices are baked, grilled, homemade mashed, or french fries)

We could all just choose which salad choice, entree, and dessert choice for the same price and the kitchen will be much more capable of cranking them all out for us. Their main menu has several other choices including fish that is missing, but I think we need to go this route. I could ask her to also include the swordfish for those who want fish but it's only a 6 oz portion and the set price would be a little steep for that choice.

I plan on emailing her in two days to confirm that we will go with this set menu. I for one don't want to spend an extra hour waiting to be served. Remember, this place will be packed with a waiting line outside by the time we show up. If anyone does NOT like the standardized menu option, you need to let me know pronto.


[Edited by GJarrett on 08-17-2000 at 07:47 AM]

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Do we to make our entree choice now or do we do it that night? I think the standard menu sounds good. You'll have to see if there is anybody who wants fish. If there are only a few maybe they could just order off the menu. I know it may take longer, but that would have to be their decision. If a lot want fish then we should probably ask about adding it to the standard menu. Just my $.02.

We make the choice that night.


I think that menu looks great! I agree, it will be a good idea to use the standard menu - I'm sure we're all going to be hungry after a day on the trails!

That smothered steak sounds real good :smoke: .....

15 days .....

You guys rock! :)

Thanks so much for working this all out. It's great to know that there will be a big juicy steak at the end of the trail. We'll be there with napkins stuffed firmly in our colars.

Oooh, I can't wait. :bounce:

DarkMan (and Tammy)
